Plundered Treasury

Eiro landed on one of his manor's balconies and quickly stepped inside with a loud yawn. He was starting to get a bit tired at this point. The Demon walked to his study and looked through the papers on his desk. Grabbing the right one, he quickly started to write a brief message on it, before he simply burnt it to a crisp with fire magic.

Out of the paper's ashes, a small paper bird rose up, and flew out of the window as Eiro sent a message to Koperia. It shouldn't take too long for her to come here once she receives the message, but for now, Eiro could just relax a little bit. Once he was done with the message, Eiro made his way to Armodeus' room, where the Elder Dwarf was currently sketching out a few more ideas for items.

"Hey, Armodeus." Eiro said with a smile, and the dwarf quickly turned around, "Oh! Yer back!"

"Yeah, just got here a few minutes ago." He replied, "I reached level 100, so I'll start my evolution within the next few days."