[Bonus chapter]Body-Modification

"Body-modification? What d'ya mean? Do you want to replace more limbs with prosthetics?" Armodeus asked, and since he figured that the dwarf wouldn't understand, Eiro quickly started to explain, "Tomorrow afternoon, a kid from the academy is coming over. To sum it up, he used flesh-magic to save himself and his sister from starving, but in the process, his sister broke the taboo. I'm helping them reverse the effects of the taboo, and in return, I plan on somehow gaining access to the boy's flesh-magic. And once I do, I will be able to manipulate my body in different ways than possible until now. I can fuse materials with my body, but that's about all for now." Eiro explained, and Armodeus quickly started to think about what the Demon could mean. After a few moments of stroking his thick beard curiously, he looked Eiro in the eye.