The Tattoo

Quite immediately after ingesting the chunk of flesh that came from her brother's arm, Naomi was overcome with what could only be described as a moment of pure, instantaneous pleasure. She had been starving herself of what the taboo desires. In that way, it actually seemed quite similar to what Clementine experienced through her unique skill. A sort of hunger that had to be calmed down, and that could only be done by indulging in cannibalism.

Eiro could tell that Naomi was trying to fight against being taken over by the taboo immediately after eating, so he looked at her and in a loud, clear voice, so that she could hear him no matter how distracted she may be, spoke, "Don't resist it. Just let it take you over."

Naomi turned toward Eiro slowly and in snapping motions, slowly shaking her head, "I-I can't, it just-"