Partax Evergreen - Part 3

"What nonsense are you blabbering about?" Partax asked with his brow raised, his confused but curious grin hidden behind his thick mustache, "Are you talking about the tower as though it's some metaphorical state of being?"

"Obviously not, it's a very real place. Multiple versions of it exist across different realms, all connected to each other in some way that I'm still in the process of figuring out. I still haven't found the tower in the central material plane, if it were that easy then you would have found it as well by now," Eiro explained, and partax quickly approached, carried over through his mechanical mount.

The halfling raised his brow and leaned forward, nearly falling off his seat as he stared at the Demon, trying to figure out if he was just messing with him, "So you are saying that you not only found the tower in another realm, but managed to travel across realms in the first place?"