The Consequence of Caring

Clementine kept stirring the stew with a large wooden spoon. She looked at it nervously, and then glanced over at her father, "Are you sure that this is good?"

"Of course it is. You gave it a try earlier too, didn't you?" the Demon replied, pushing all of the peels and other scraps together into a small pile, being on clean-up duty while Clementine kept on cooking. The girl still didn't seem convinced though, "Yeah, but... how do I know if it was actually good, or if I just have a bad taste?"

Eiro stopped for a moment and thought about it, "Well, I guess there's no real way to know that. But I told you, right? It's good. If you can't trust in your own ability, at least trust my tastebuds."

Clementine slowly nodded her head, "Alright, if you say so."