Within the Body

"Hm?" Bavet slowly woke up, blinking his eyes open slightly. The relaxing venom was so potent that the slime's transformation was actually undone to some degree, and he now looked like a shaved cat covered in a thick, translucent goo, "What happened?" he asked. Bavet slowly stood up, shaking his body like a dog trying to dry itself off, as the goo quickly turned back into fur.

Eiro stretched out his tail toward him, and the small white cat jumped on top of it as Eiro lifted him up onto his shoulders, "The Masters left. They're having a conversation on their own somewhere right now."

"What, and act like you can't just listen in on them?" Bavet asked, but Eiro shook his head.

"I can't, actually. Shimour covered them all in a veil. They're fully protected."

"Well, whatever. So what now? Are they going to train you?"