Chapter 10: Resignation letter

Madi's POV:

"What is this?"

I instantly stood up when the jerk himself barged in my office. He threw the folded white paper on my table. It's my resignation letter and this is Noelle's idea.

As she said the last time, I should accept the challenge. Well, I listened to her and made my fake resignation letter. She said on this way, I will see what would be his real reaction against my refusal to his deal.

I put it on his desk early this morning, and now I can't believe my two eyes seeing him in front of me with a 'perfect' sour face. I contained myself from smiling and looked at him straight.

"Good morning, Mr. Wilsons. It's my immediate resignation letter." I proudly answered.

-'See? You can't take to eat your words.. hmp!"

But his sour face now turned darker. His eyes formed a straight line as he narrowed it at me.

"I'm not an idiot not to noticed that's a resignation paper, Ms. Davis!"

-'Oops! No, You're not.'- my mind screamed inside.

"Why are you resigning?"

He slammed both of his palms on my desk.

I really want to raise my eyebrow.

"Because I thought that's what you wanted me to do."

He blew an annoyed breath as his eyes fill with rage.

"What are you talking about Ms. Davis? Have I told you to resign? Did I asked you to do it?"

-'Now.. you know my name again. Huh! Do I need your permission?'-

"Because you don't want me to do my job anymore. So I thought, you don't longer need my service and that you just can't tell me directly. That's why I filed that resignation notice so I can find another job as soon as possible." I calmly answered him.

But to my not-so-surprised, he picked up again the white paper and tore it into two...four...six...eight... and I don't know how many pieces it all.

I faked my horrified expression as I looked back into his face again.

"You're not going to resign!"

His voice boomed in all four corners of my office.

I let out a snicker. "But why Sir? I don't have much work to do because half of it, you passed it to your secretary which was not actually her job. And I don't want to get that high salary and compensation without using my hands in fairways. That's unfair to others who spilt their blood and sweats just to earned like what I have."

"Then accept the deal! So you're no longer thinking of having such that salary without being tired. I'll give a lot of things to do. You can cook for me..." my eyes starts to widen and my mouth starts to open. "Choose the suit I have to wear, clean my stuff, bring my suitcase, polish my shoes-----"

"Wow! Wow! Wait! You don't need a wife by that, Sir! What you need is a maid! A personal slave!"

This time, the horrible look on my face is real. My goodness!

"You just want me to accept your deal just to become your maid? Wow! No way!"

"Whatever you may want to call it, but you're not going to resign! No matter how many bunches of resignation papers you put on my desk, I won't allow you! If you still do, I will get the copy of your signed contract from the HR and I will make sure you're going to pay the charges for abandoning your contract. You're working here for only two months, and based on the contract, you have to stay employed in one year to compensate all the company's expenditures for hiring you and paying your taxes."

-'huh! wow! Don't you think I don't know that?'- I wanted to shout but I chose not to.

"Fine! I won't resign, but give me back my normal workload."

I sighed when he didn't uttered a word, he's just looking at me. When he walked towards the door, I was expecting him to get back to his office, but to my surprise.. instead of walking out, he closed the door.

I immediately walked towards him to ask why did he closed the door.. but he just took three long strides and he instantly in front of me. He grabbed my arm and our noses almost touched. Our breaths mixed together and I smelled his minty breath fanning across my face.

I'm not a blushing person.. or a blushing girl or whatever you may call it.. but dear God, I can feel my face heated up by our sudden proximity.

-'Oh God!'-

My stomach churned as my small and large intestines turned upside down.

"Resignation... Ms. Davis is not the best way to get away from me." he pulled my arm and brought his mouth near my ear before he continue and now by whispering.. "Accept my offer. If I have to doubled or tripled the money to convince you more... I will. But let me tell you, I don't easily accept 'no' for an answer."

His warm breath tickles my neck and bring shivers down my spine. I gulped and took all my control not to close my eyes.

-'Oh my! What is this feeling?'-

I silently asked my inner self when he let go of my arm.

When I looked up at him, his eyes held a different emotions and it's my first time seeing those from him. But as usual, he masked it immediately in not even a second.

"Bear that in your mind, Ms. Davis."

Wearing a smirk, he walked again towards the door without any looking back.

When he finally out of my sight, I suddenly felt my knees buckled and I had to sit on the nearest chair before it give up and I end up falling to the floor.


I let out a heavy sigh as I put my right hand over my raising heartbeat.

So, that was his real reaction.
