Chapter fifteen: Being late for the first time

Madi's POV:

2:00 am.

I tried to sleep, but this freaking sleep doesn't want to visit me. I did almost everything but every time I closed my eyes, all I can see was his face, smiling at me.

And the question that keeps on ringing on my head, what was my real reason why I accepted his deal? Am I also attracted to him? No! It's only been two months, it's impossible!

And how would explain this to my mom? Would I tell her the truth or also lied and played the act of being in love with Gabriel?

And I don't know what time I dozed off. It's actually the first time that happened to me. Thinking one person until I fall asleep?

6:00 am.

6:30 am.

7:00 am

. . . . . . . 

8:30 am



"Argh! I hate you! Can you stop on ringing!" I shouted frustratedly. Actually I don't know if it's my alarm clock or my cellphone.


"Argh!" I groggily take the ringing alarm clock from the bedside table. "Tell me who set you up at this early on a Sunday morning?" I turned off the alarm 

I was about to go back in my sleep when my cellphone also ring under my blanket.

"Oh, God! Can anyone tell this freaking caller that I want to sleep more!"

I searched for my phone and answered it without looking who's the person that is calling.


My eyes were still closed.

"Hello, your ass, Madi! Where the hell are you? Mr. Wilsons turned again into being hulk today. Forgodsake!"

My eyes snapped open as I looked at the screen of my phone.


Why is she calling me at this Sunday morning?

"Oh, yes.. princess Madi. I'm asking you, where the hell are you?" 

"At home. At my room. And you disturbed my sleep, my God, Sandy! Can you just call me tomorrow? Since tomorrow is Monday and we're going to see each other by then." I closed my eyes again.

"What the hell is happening to you? You're crazy woman, today is already Monday! And Mr. Wilsons was really mad because his coffee hasn't on his table, and it's already 8:45 am.!"

"What are you talking about-----------holy shit! Oh my God! Oh my God!" I startled widening my eyes as I ran to the bathroom with my phone. "Why didn't you tell me that today is Monday? Why didn't you call me?" 

"Wow! Was it really my fault? It's your first time on being late today! What happened to you? It's really you, Madi. Are you sick? Because if you are, I'm gonna tell Mr.-----------"

"No! I'm okay! I mean, I'm not sick. I'm going to work today. And about his coffee.. can you just make him his first coffee today, please?"

"Oh Madi, I'm sorry. I already offered him that earlier, but he just keep on asking about you!"

"Oh my! Uhm.. Sandy, I'm gonna take a bath now, bye." I ended the call without waiting for her reply.

Oh my gosh! What happened to me? I thought it's only Sunday today. While taking a bath, I tried to remember what happened last night.

Well, Saturday night... we had a talk again, and as I remember... I already agreed to his deal. And then after that, he brought me home...

And yesterday...Oh shit! I just stayed at home and I didn't visit any of my restaurant which is my Sunday routine... that's why my mind was stacked by what happened on Saturday night.

After putting my uniform, I only applied mascara and my 'love that red' lipstick, so even I don't have any makeup, my lipstick will stand out and carry my day.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

While I am on the lift, as to my sweetest and luckiest day... there was also the president of bullies... Jenny, and her assistant Ailene.

"Wow. What happened to you, Ms. Davis? Are you already late?" Jenny asked first and she laughed together with her minion--Ailene.

"Oh no, Jenny.. she's not late! She's just too early for tomorrow." Ailene also laughed at her very-bitch kind of laughed.

And as always, I didn't mind them. I continued my stare on the elevator door. I can see them through the mirror typed stainless door. They were sharing high fives repeatedly while laughing their lungs out like there's no tomorrow.

-'It's okay. You can laugh all your way out, I don't care! I'm not working for you and you're not the one who's paying my salary! Hmph!'-

I just rolled my eyes on that thought. Well that's true, right? Why would I get affected to these two bullies, they were just nothing, compared to my beauty! .. just kidding..


"Oh thank God!" Ailene exclaimed when the lift stopped to our floor.

"Yes. At least we can no longer see such the pathetic woman like her.. who's trying to seduce her boss!"

Jenny huffed and pushed me a bit to the side before they stepped out.

My mouth formed an 'O' shape. 

-'Me? Seducing my boss? Haha... if you only knew the truth, that 'your' boss was the one who's trapping me to be his wife!-' 

There's no other people inside... except the three of us, so there's no witness on what they did. Well.. except the cameraman. I just smiled at the camera. I know, whoever was in there.. they knew what happened. And same things like this which was also happened before.

Because of my lack of sleep, my eyes sting a bit at the over brightness of the lights. Thank you to the Engineering department for putting this kind of lights. Blinding-lights to be exactly called.

"Oh..there you are!" I'm just about to sit on my chair when Sandy came to my door. My back is facing her. "What happened to you-------" she stopped at the middle of her question after seeing my face.

I scrunched my eyebrows."Why? Am I having huge bags?" I asked putting my fingers under my eyes.

"No! You're wearing a red lipstick today? Why?" she asked and I chuckled at her question, as if it's a sin wearing this red lipstick.

"Yes. Why.. is it over??"

"No. It's beautiful actually. It's just that, I haven't noticed you wearing that shade before?" 

She walked towards my desk.

"But I did." I get my compact mirror and check again myself. And then I smiled when I realized that she's right. "Oh.. I remember, I'm just using this every weekend but not here in the office."

"So, what made you wear that?"

"Because I'm late and I don't have enough time to put some colors on my face. By the way, how's Mr.Wilsons?"

I tried to hide my face by putting back my mirror on my bag. I don't know but mentioning his name made me blush in an instant.

"He still waiting for you." she said in a very casual tone.

"What?" my eyes snapped at her confused.

"Yes. I don't know what happened to that grumpy old man. As I remembered last week, he doesn't want to see your face. But now, he doesn't want me to make his coffee because he said he's going to wait for you." she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"My God!" I slowly muttered.

When I looked back at her, I didn't miss the curiosity dancing on her eyes.


"Tell me, Madielyn Davis. Is there's something that I don't know... and that I need to know?" she eyed me like a hawk as if I am her prey.

I sighed and closed my eyes. I feel the need to share to her this 'news' because she also knew it anyway from the very start. And I'm sure, it will be so difficult to move inside this building if the boss and the owner himself is your 'boyfriend'. And I blushed again at the thought.

"Oh fuck! You're blushing!" she exclaimed loudly.

"Lower your voice! I'm going to tell you later at lunch." I almost whispered to her.

"Oh my God, Madi! Don't tell me I am right with what I am thinking right now?"

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Just for the lunch break!"

"Ahhggg!" she covered her mouth and then screamed before she exited my door to her own office.....squealing.

"Tsk.Tsk.Tsk. How would I tell this to her later without squealing like that?" 

I just let out a heavy sigh.