Chapter Twenty-three: Take care of her for me

Gabriel's POV:

"Hi bro." 

I smiled when I saw Greg's smiling face entered my office and walking towards my desk.

"Greg." I stand up to hug him. "What's up, man?" I patted his back.

"Still single, not like you." he winked at me before he takes a seat in one of my visitor's chair.

He's my cousin from my mother's side and my bestfriend since childhood. But his family transferred from Chicago to Florida after we graduated our high school from the same school. 

But our friendship never stopped there. We shared everything, and knows everything.. secrets.. including what happened with my past relationship with Stacey and my plan to get her back and make her suffer for what she did.

"You know, it's not a real relationship." I shake my head and go back to my chair.

"Okay... not a real relationship, I see." he said nodding his head. "By the way, guess who I bumped with before I entered your office?"

I scrunched my eyebrows.


"Your beautiful assistant. What's her name again.... ahh.. Madi. She's a nice man, and beautiful."

"Don't approach her again! Don't come near her or better don't talk to her!" I said in my serious tone.

"Whoah! Jealous are we? I thought it's a just 'fake' relationship?" he asked grinning.

"Yeah, i-it's just fake. But still, I don't want you to talk to her again." I avoided his stare when he raised his eyebrow.

"But why..  I mean no harm, bro. And don't worry, I just said she's beautiful." 

"I know you too well, Greg." I leaned on my seat.

"Ohh, really Gabriel?" he also leaned on his seat. "Tsk.Tsk.Tsk. Can I ask you something, bro?"

He become serious in a moment.

"Sure. What is it?" I asked with my eyes focused directly to him. 

"Why do you want to get Stacey back? Are you still in love with her?"

"Tss! What kind of question is that? I already told you my answer on that."

"Yeah, but I want to know the real reason." 

"I told you, just to punish her."

"Okay..." he brought his fingers on his chin. It's his mannerism when he's thinking about something serious. "But you said she asked you to get you back together, right?"

"Yes." I already told him about the latest happenings between me and Stacey.

"So, why do you have to continue your plan with your PA? She seems nice and kind, bro. Don't you think it's unfair for her to be tied with this kind of deal?"

"She's willing to help, Greg. I already offered my money, but she doesn't want to accept it."

"Maybe because she has her own money, or maybe she doesn't want to be one of your charity cases." he shrugged his shoulders but I furrowed my eyebrows on him.

"What do you mean by she doesn't want to be my charity cases?"

"Well.. she doesn't want to call 'your slut' if she accept the money. And besides, what was her reason for accepting this deal?" 

"She said she loves challenges."

"Ahh, okay...challenges. A strong woman, I see. But it's just a plain reason on why she really accepted this kind of a stupid deal! I hope she really thinks about her decision again." he said nodding.

"Greg, let me clear this things to you. Yes, the things between me and Madi were just fake, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let you screw and play with her feelings. So, stop whatever you're thinking about her." I said with a slight warning.

But he just laughed at me.

"Ohh.. Gabriel, Gabriel. I'm not a bad monster, bro. And what did you say... 'screw and play' with her feelings? Are you sure you're referring to me.. or just referring to yourself?"

I formed my fists as I my eyes throw daggers on his direction.

"Come on, bro. What if she falls in love with you or you fall in love with her in the process?"

I laughed at his question.

"That's not gonna happen, Greg. She's not my type."

I said avoiding again his gaze.

"Yeah, but sometimes the person that you're not looking for or not looking at all, is the same person you're going to love the most unexpectedly. Because sometimes, we fall in love with the most unexpected person in the most unexpected time."

I don't know, but his words stacked me from moving.

"Wow! I didn't know you're now a poet, Greg."

He gave me a humorous laugh.

"Yeah, can I ask you again something? It's not actually a question, it's a favor this time."


"Can I date your assistant after you finished your deal with her?"

I was taken aback by his question. I don't really know what to say or whatever my reaction will be.


"I like her, bro."

"Fuck you! You just met her earlier, and then now you're telling me you like her?" I can't help not to raise my voice.

"Gabriel, I'm not asking this favor to you right now. I said after your deal with her! And what is it with you if I like her? She's just your 'fake' girlfriend as you said. And besides, she still your assistant and just your assistant even after you get married, because this exact words came from you.. 'fake and not real'."

I didn't say anything. I just inhaled deeply and formed my fists under the table. But on the other hand, I thank God from above for making him my cousin and my bestfriend, because if not, I swear I already punched him hard on his face multiple times.

"Easy bro, I also know you too well. You don't seem jealous." he laughed and leaned again on his chair.

"I'm not jealous, Greg!" I tried to calm myself. -'I'm not jealous, he's just annoying, that's it.'- I said to myself. "Why are you actually here?" I asked a bit annoyed.

"Honestly, just to ask you to introduce me to your assistant. But, since I already met her on my own... you don't really need to do that." he smirked. 

And I will lie to myself if I say I don't get irritated with it.

"So, since you already met her, what can you say?"

"She's perfect."

"I know." I stated proudly.

"She's perfect to be my girlfriend." he added grinning.

"You better get out of this office before I forget that you're my bestfriend!" I said as mu smile died.

"Ohh.." he immediately stand up. "Bro... I'm also your cousin."

"Yeah, and you really should get out now before I forget that you're related to me and you've been a part of my life!" I stand up and glared at him.

He stepped backwards one by one.

"Wait! Can I get her number?"

"No, you dickhead! She's going to be my wife, so back off!"

"But you said it's fake! She s just going to be your 'fake' wife. So, sorry... I'm still going to get her number!" he's already at the door, still grinning like an idiot.

"Fuck you, Greg! Fuck you!"

I am starting to get really annoyed with him and regretting my decision on telling him about Madi.

"Gabriel, you're becoming too possessive, bro. Take it easy. Take care of her because someday.. when your deal with her ends, I'm going to get her by that time... whether you like it or not. Whether you approve it or not. But for now, take care of her for me." 

And with that, he exited my office. I was left dumbfounded. Why was he sounded like he already knows Madi? He seemed more sure, I'm going to her go in the future.

I sighed and shake my head to get away those thoughts from my mind.