Chapter eighty-seven: Realization

"It's the sixth time you've checked on your phone!"

I glanced up at Noelle who put a cup of coffee on my desk.

"Why don't you call him and stop wasting your time glancing and checking your phone, every goddamn minute?"

I sighed for I don't know how many times. It's been four days since I called Sandy and she told me that Gabriel has a business meeting in Australia. And until now, I'm still waiting for his call or even a text message. 

"Hmm... maybe he's busy. He's now busy with someone else."

My head snapped instantly at Noelle's face. I narrowed my eyes at her. 

"Why? You're pushing him away, right? So, maybe he has now found someone 'else'."

"I'm not pushing him away! And can you please stop mentioning it?"

"Mentioning what, that he found someone else? Or someone new?"

"Noelle please?" I pleaded but she just laughed at me.