Little one (2)

"That little girl is showering for over an hour now..." Murmured Benji to himself.

'Well, she has all reason to do that.'

Benji took out his phone that had now only 7% power left.

He dialed Marc's number again, Benji knew that it would be useless and that his best friend might already be dead or worse, a zombie but...

It rang a few times and just as he was about to hang up, a too familiar voice echoed out.


"MARC, hey brother! Oh my god you are alive! How are you?" Said Benji who jumped up from the couch like a cheerleader.

"Oh my god! Bro! I swear the world is ending! There are zombies everywhere! I'm good for now and Anna is safe too. I was able to find my phone thanks to your call." Blabbered Marc agitated.

"Man I'm glad that both of you are safe, you are in Hannover right?"

"Yeah we are back at home, but we are f*cked up, the streets are filled with zombies!" Answered Marc.

Benji stayed silent for some time, "Bro do you trust me?"

"Huh of course, why are you asking such a stupid question?" Asked Marc confused.

Benji took a deep breath, "Listen good Marc, I know it will sound crazy but I killed some zombies. I found out that they have red crystals in their brains."

"WHAT?" Shouted Marc.

"Listen to me Marc!" Said Benji harshly.

"...Okay I will listen..."

"I accidently absorbed them and my body changed. You must have noticed that the people that turned into zombies are much stronger and faster than normal humans...I became much stronger! Try to kill some zombies and take their crystals from their brain. I know it sounds mad but I think that it will be the key to survive!" Explained Benji slowly.

"Bro..." Whispered Marc.

"I know..." Said Benj.

"Did you become one of them?"

Benji was taken aback, "I...." He wanted to say no but he recalled his new red eye color.

"Yes...maybe, damn it I don't know! But I became stronger that much is sure."

Marc stayed silent for a while....

"How much stronger?" Asked Marc carefully.

"I'm not sure yet but my stamina became ridiculous and I can jump over 2 meters high, what do you think?"

"Jesus! That is awesome!" Exclaimed Marc.

Benji noticed Marc's excited tone.

"Marc...kill them and grow stronger, break through the limit of humanity and survive! Protect Anna!" Benji felt like a bit like a politician that fooled people, he knew what to say to push Marc's buttons.

"Damn it! I will do it!" Spoke Marc.

Benji knew that he had ignited Marc's fire, his phone vibrated, reminding him that the power of his phone decreased to 5%.

"Marc, my phone is at 5%, I will head tomorrow to my mother's house and charge it there. Bro I wish you and Anna all luck of the world, your can do it!"

"Mine too bro it's at 2%, I wish you good luck you know the situation of your mother?"

"I didn't try to contact her, I know that she was on vacation in Miami..." Spoke Benji with touch of coldness to his voice.

".....Ok, good luck to you bro!"

"Ah right, the transformation might be painful, errr bye!" Said Benji in a hurry.


Benji ended the call before Marc could start to curse, 'There are no free meals bro...'

He took off his military trench coat and sat back on the couch.

Benji felt like a burden was lifted from his heart after talking with Marc.

He heard that the shower wasn't being used now.

Benji opened a bottle, chugging down the water while relaxing.

The little girl arrived at the living room, her hair was still wet and her eyes were reddened.

'She must have cried a lot...' Thought benji.

She had changed her clothes into clean ones.

Benji gestured her to sit beside him, "Come let's talk..."

The little girl hugged her unicorn puppet harder but still did as he said and sat down on the couch.

Benji nodded, "Like I said earlier I'm Benji, can you tell me your name?" Asked Benji softly.

The little girl stared at the ground, "Mi....Miriam, my name is Miriam...." Whispered the girl.

"Nice to meet you Miriam....I'm sorry..." Said Benji.

Miriam looked up surprised at his apology.

Their eyes met, his red eyes and her innocent blue eyes met.

Tears ran down her cheeks, "I.....I know that mommy changed..." That's what she said before hugging her unicorn harder and staring down at the ground.

Benji sighed inwardly.

"I'm 26 years old and you?"


"Oh? You are almost an adult, you did well Miriam."

She continued to cry.

"It's alright, do you want to hear a story?" Asked Benji softly.

She hesitated before nodding.

"It happened when I was 11, my mother left me alone in the house and I was bored because there was no one to play with, it was then that a fairy appeared before me. Do you know what fairy it was?"

Miriam became curious, stopping to cry, she shook her head, staring at Benji with expectation and curiosity.

Benji smiled, "It was the Fairy of War."

Miriam frowned, "The Fairy of War?"

Benji laughed, "Yes, incredible right? Until that day I thought that only the Tooth Fairy existed. I asked her the same question like you and she became angry at me. She then said that she wouldn't play with me."

"She said that?" Asked Miriam in wonder.

"Yes she did, I panicked and apologized immediately. She was already flying away but I convinced her to stay and play with me...."

Benji told her some fantasy stories until Miriam fell asleep.

He caressed her dark-blond hair softly with a sad expression.

"Mommy....daddy." Sleep talked Miriam.

Benji sighed, standing up to search for a blanket to cover her.

He sat beside her after putting a blanket over Miriam.

'I will hunt more zombies tomorrow, I need to test out some things...'

He glanced at Miriam who was peacefully sleeping on the couch.

'And I need to become stronger, not only for my own sake...'

He glanced at his watch, it was already past 9 pm.

It was time for him to rest too, he used his trench coat as blanket and soon feel asleep.

What Benji didn't know that strange changes were happening inside his body while he slept.

Red liquid invaded his brain after it finished spreading through his whole body.

The red liquid slowly turned into thin roots that stretched through his brain, forming a small red crystal inside his brain.

A silent and painless explosion happened inside his brain and body when the red liquid finished it's transformation into a crystal. It's thin roots ran through Benji's whole brain, even establishing a connection with his spine.

Two different energies began to leak out from his brain and body....