Evolution (3)

Benji returned to his temporary base, his head hurting.

He spent the last 2 hours controlling and killing zombies.

Benji discovered an important weakness of his mental ability.

He could sense the zombies in a range of 30 meters around him but could only control them if he had actual visual contact to them.

Benji could only accept it, he lured one after another to his location before killing them. His mental stamina was drained after 2 hours. He had no other choice but to retreat to rest.

He went to the bedroom on the second floor of the empty house, putting all the red crystals on the bed.

Thirty-two tiny red crystals caunted Benji with a big smile on his face.

"Let's do this!"

One crystal after another entered his mouth. He eat them like they were candies.

The familiar warm current began to flood his body.

Benji stopped after eating 10 crystals, he felt that it was his limit and needed to wait for his body to digest it.

He sat down on the bed waiting patiently.

Forty minutes passed, Benji felt his body and mind growing stronger, the warm current inside his body faded slowly away. Benji breathed out, his whole body was covered in sweat.

'Twenty-seven more to go!' He continued to eat the crystals, 20 were the limit this time.

Benji frowned, his vision started to spin. His body shook and he heard something explode inside his mind and body.

Then he fainted on the bed.

Hours passed and it turned dark outside, many changes were happening inside Benji's body.

Tiny thin roots penetrated his bones, flesh and organs. The crystal inside his brain absorbed the liquid, expanding before compressing as it send streaks of unknown energy out that nourished Benji's body.

The air around him shook, the things inside the bedroom suddenly began to float up.

With Benji as the center the things floated up and down around him.

It stayed like that until midnight when Benji finally woke up.

He opened his eyes in confusion, "What..."

Benji wanted to curse but he was cut off by strange informations flooding his mind.

The things around him fell on the ground but Benji didn't notice it, his full attention was drawn to the new informations inside his head.

It took him around 10 minutes to sort the things out inside his brain.

Benji sighed in awe when he finished going through the informations.

'Mind Puppeteer and Gravity Body! Those are my abilities, one comes from my mind and the other from my body...'

Benji felt like he wasn't human anymore, sure he still looked like one but his entire being felt different.

He lifted his hand up, everything inside the bedroom floated up. It didn't matter how big or heavy, everything inside the room was affected. A big smile spread across his face.

He dropped his hand and all the things floating in the air sank slowly back to the ground.

"Incredible!" Exclaimed Benji excited. It didn't stop there, an invisible pressure appeared, coming from his body. The gravity inside the room changed again, the whole furniture inside the bedroom started to produce cracking sounds. Even the floor made of wood began to crack under the heavy gravitational pressure coming from Benji's body!

He stopped it quickly after a few seconds.

'Jesus Christ! I didn't give my all and it's already this powerful....the short range is a weakness tho...' Benji switched from his body to his mind.

He felt like he entered a whole different world!

His senses went through a massive change, his range was reached about 50 meters and he could actually "see" everything with his inner eye inside the range.

The world was completely grey from his new point of view, Benji changed his view with just a thought.

'I feel like a god, nothing escapes my inner eye inside the range!'

Benji spent some time, observing the grey world. His attention was drawn towards the many tiny red spots outside the house.

His inner eye arrived instantly outside with a thought.

'Like I thought these tiny red lights are the zombies....' Confirmed Benji.

'Can I...?' Benji had just formed the thought in his mind when he saw thin red strings shooting out from the empty house.

The thin red strings passed through the walls like they didn't exist, they attached themselves to the tiny red lights inside the heads of the zombies.

Benji knew immediately that he had total control over the zombies! It wasn't shallow like a earlier in the day, it was true control.

He controlled 10 zombies through the red strings that came out of his head and attached themselves to the red lights inside the head of those zombies.

It was a huge improvement to the 3 he could roughly control.

'Hell I can even speak through them!!!'

So many ideas crossed his mind...

'I have so many possibilities with this Mind Puppeteer ability!'

Benji returned to his body with a simple thought.

He ordered the 10 zombies to come to him while he went to the first floor opening the door for them to enter.

Benji sat down on the couch waiting for his new puppets to come.

The 10 zombies arrived in 2 minutes in front of him.

They knelt before him, "Master!"

Benji smiled like a devil, the zombies didn't act like that from their own will, they didn't have one. It was Benji himself that made them act like this with his mind.

Excitement flooded him at this moment.

"Go and kill some for me, collect the crystals and bring them back!" Ordered Benji in a domineering way.

He didn't need speak out the order, Benji could simply use his mind but he liked it more this way.

"Yes, Master!" Answered the zombies in perfect sync.

Benji leaned back, making himself comfortable on the couch.

'I don't need to hunt on my own anymore. I will have my puppets do the work from now on...' His thoughts froze right there, a grave expression appearing on his face.

'No...If I can become like this then others can too.....The Mind Puppeteer ability is useful but it isn't worth crap if I get killed because I became too dependent on it....in the end it's me that need to become strong enough!'

Benji decided that the Mind Puppeteer would become his secondary tool, his Gravity Body would be his main focus.

Benji observed his puppets killing one zombie after another. He found it rather amusing that the horde didn't show any reaction towards the strange actions of the 10 zombies under his control.

He shrugged it off, counting himself as lucky.

His 10 puppets soon came back, their bodies stained in blood but their hands filled with tiny red crystals.

Benji didn't stay polite, he gathered he crystals, starting to consume them.

He noticed that their effect on his body had quite weakened. The warm wave only flooded his body after he ate 12 crystals.

'It doesn't matter there are enough targets out there!' He ordered the zombies to keep collecting crystals for him.

Six hours passed quickly and the sun was showed itself in the horizon.

Streaks of sunlight penetrated the darkness, revealing the brutal massacre on the streets.

Countless corpses with their skulls crushed lied across the streets.

Benji lifted his head, staring at the outside, noticing that the morning arrived.

Not long after 56 zombies entered the house, delivering a lot of crystals to his feets.

Benji sighed in glee.

His abilities had improved over the night. He never stopped consuming crystals and his Mind Puppeteer became more powerful. His inner eye encompassed now a range a bit over 200 meters around him....the range of his Gravity Body had also become bigger.

His body kept sweating, becoming stronger through the night.

"I can go home now, they killed enough for me to sneak past the horde."