Clash in West Dortmund

"The world turned into Highschool of the Dead." Spoke a black haired youth.

"It's worse than HotD, the zombies are way too overpowered, we would have died a dozens of times if we didn't have our Kendo skills!" Refuted another black haired youth.

They were best buddies that went to the same high school in West Tokyo.

"Yeah, and we turned from being the prey to hunters after getting those strange crystals inside the heads of the zombies."

They checked if the store was free of zombies, "Hey Kaito, here is some melon bread that you crave so much." Said the youth as he threw some of the bread towards his friend.

Kaito catched it in delight, he didn't wait and opened it. He really enjoyed eating the melon bread.

"Thanks, Haruto, how long do you think will we need to stay here? I really want to check if my mum is alright." Spoke Kaito.

Haruto fell silent for some time, "I don't know, we need to become stronger to take on the horde of zombies that are blocking our way...."

Kaito grabbed his katana, "We can do it as long we have these babies."

Haruto glanced down at his own sword and nodded.

They had been stuck in the west of Tokyo for 2 weeks now. They struggled a lot in the first days until they found the crystals and transformed.

Haruto ate a melon bread by himself.

'I hope my family is fine...'

Both of them were still wearing their school uniform and most people would assume that they were brothers because of how similar they looked.

It was then that they heard sounds coming from the back of the store. They exchanged knowing looks and drew their katanas.

They walked carefully towards the back of the store, they didn't find anything suspicious.

Haruto made hand signs about a closed door, Kaito nodded.

He pressed his back on the wall beside the door.

Haruto took a stance with his katana in front of him, he signaled Kaito that he was ready.

Kaito opened the door quickly and stepped back to the side, ready to attack.

It was clear that it wasn't their first time doing this, they worked well together.

Haruto made a surprised face. Kaito frowned, "What is it?"

Haruto lowered his katana, "It's a girl..."

"Oh?" Kaito took a peek inside the room.

The girl was in an awful state, she was cowering in the corner of the storage room. She was trembling nonstop, she looked traumatized and her eyes had something disturbing to them.

Haruto felt sad for the girl, he took off his top while walking to the girl.

Kaito frowned, "Hey what are you doing?"

Haruto ignored him and bent down. The girl was so traumatized that she didn't realize Haruto in front of her.

He covered her with his top, "It's alright miss you are safe now..." Spoke Haruto as soft as possible.

The girl finally reacted, beginning to scream hysterical.

Kaito walked into the room and noticed something amiss, "Haruto?"

Haruto was still crouching down in front of the girl but he hadn't moved a bit after the girl started to scream.

Kaito stretched his hand out to touch Haruto's shoulder when the latter suddenly collapsed on the floor. Kaito froze when he saw a deep wound on Haruto's chest, there was so much blood gushing out...


He hugged Haruto who was weakly breathing. The girl kept screaming as she tried to crawl further away, but she was already against the wall.

"Th...the....girl...." Said Haruto weakly.

Kaito looked confused at the disturbed girl and his eyes widened.

The was a large bloody knife sticking out from the top that Haruto used to cover the girl.

He looked blankly back at the deep wound on Haruto's chest.

"NO! Stay alive I will get a first aid kit from somewhere!" Said Kaito as he panicked.

Haruto shook his head, he smiled a last time before his arms fell lifeless on the floor.

Kaito didn't know how long he spaced out and cried while holding the corpse of his best friend in his arms.

It was the scream from the girl that made him snap back to reality.

He stared at her with hate! He stood slowly up, drawing his katana.

"Why did you do that? He wanted to help you!" Shouted Kaito at her.

His words didn't seem to reach her, she kept screaming.

Kaito's expression was twisted, he felt rage, sorrow, and disgust at the time.

"Die in peace!"

He walked out of the storage room, drops of blood falling on the floor from the point of his katana.

His red eyes filled with sorrow.....

Meanwhile in Dortmund....

Benji was woken up by the ringing sound of his phone.

He turned around, checking what time it was.

"10 am..."

Benji took the phone, answering the call.


Marc's voice came out from his phone, "Hey Benji how are you doing?"

Benji sat up on his bed, "I'm fine and you?"

"Well....things are getting more difficult. We could really need you here..." Marc sounded stressed.

Benji sighed, he had seen this coming.

"I told you that would happen when you told me about your plans to save survivors..."

"....I know but we can't ignore them, we got these powers and have to carry the responsibility that comes with them."

"Oh watched too many hero movies, Marc, you only have responsibility for Anna and yourself. Set her straight if she wants to play the savior. You both are unnecessarily burdening yourselves with people you don't know."

"You are kinda cold bro, you could do a lot of good with your powers but you ignore the problems around you."

Benji frowned, "Bro, I won't pretend to be someone I ain't. The world was never a happy place to begin with. You guys want to be saviors? Fine do you, don't try to drag me into that sh*t. People are in the end responsible for themselves."

"So you won't help us?" Asked Marc a bit angry.

"Not with that. I'm not cut for that crap, I'm not a politician."

"But this has nothing to do with politics Benji!" Refuted Marc.

Benji stared at his phone in disbelief...

".....And it seems you are not cut for it too, you are too naive. I will give you a brotherly advice, I would force them to transform and kick them out afterwards. They will be able to survive on their own with the power. Do that and move on, you guys will have a very miserable time if you keep all those people near you!"

"I tried but they don't want to become zombies. They are afraid Benji! They lost everything do you understand that?!"

"Everyone lost something and some even more than that. You can't have everything Marc, life doesn't work like that. Don't call me again if it's about that. I will end the call now, I wish you all the luck in the world, Marc..."

Benji didn't give Marc a chance to answer and hung up.

Marc was staring at his phone in rage, "What is his f*cking problem?"

Anna who heard everything through the loudspeaker was pondering about Benji's words.

"We will do what he said." Stated Anna determined.

"What? Are you crazy?" Shouted Marc.

Anna lifter her hand up, signaling him to shut up.

"He is right, the people have already started to ask for more and more. We are already stressed to the limit. We have made some basic rules but not everyone agrees. That's what he meant by saying that he isn't a politician. One could say that we have become a little society. It's too much for us two...."

Marc opened his mouth to say something but closed it again...he thought about the whole situation.

He looked at Anna, "Can we really do that?"

"We must or what Benji said about us having a very miserable time will become true. We had good intentions but....we aren't qualified to lead all these people. We will give them the choice to transform and move on. Everything that happens afterwards is up to god." Said Anna who looked very tired.

Marc nodded, "We will do that, and if they don't appreciate it.....we will move away."