
Benji's body that was inside the red cocoon had been experiencing many changes through the time.

The red liquid invaded and reconstructed every muscle, bone, and organ of his body. His white bones changed slowly into the hard crystal, his muscles expanded and compromised countless times.

His organs were tempered, slowly creating a crystal-like a hull around them.

His eyelids twitched when the process finally came to an end.

Benji opened his eyes slowly, finding himself plunged inside the red sticky liquid.

His body also seemed to come back to life at the same time as him.

A tremor went through the liquid surrounding him.

The thick liquid gave in, causing Benji to fall on the ground.

Benji needed some minutes to get his bearing together, his body felt like it was completely new.

He crawled forward like a newborn baby until he got used to his body.

'Adam?' Called Benji inside his mind.

[I'm here...You have no idea what is going on inside our mind! Everything became so large and real like! I feel so powerful, it's overwhelming!] Explained Adam excited.

Benji looked down at his body that was covered with the thick red liquid.

He felt for the first time true raw power rampaging through his body.

Benji's skin had still the same brown color but it looked somewhat different at the same time.

His eyes fell on his hands, the nails that had a rosy color had now become red crystals.

'My nails...' Benji didn't know how to feel about the new color of his nails.

He stood slowly up, making his first steps. The sewers had completely collapsed and he made his way up over the debris.

It was in the middle of the day and it should be cold but he didn't feel the cold, he felt totally fine.

He noticed that he was naked and wondered where his clothes went..

He heard violent sounds all around him, making him wonder what was happening.

Benji froze on the spot when he finally climbed out of the collapsed sewers.

Central Dortmund had turned into a huge bloody battlefield, everywhere were zombies killing each other or destroying Central Dortmund.

Benji had no time to stand when some of the zombies noticed him, they didn't hesitate, pouncing madly at him.

Benji cursed and wanted to dodge them but his body was sluggish...

It was when they had almost reached him that a radiant orange light erupted from his left eye, illuminating the whole area.

The blinding orange light did only last for a few seconds before it diminished.

Benji blinked shocked when he saw that all the mad zombies that had been fighting, suddenly prostrating before him.

'What on Earth...' Thought Benji flabbergasted.

[An upgrade baby! Our Mind Puppeteer ability changed into Radiant Mindlord!] Spoke Adam in pure ecstatic.

'Radiant Mindlord?' Asked Benji excited.

[Yeah, it's many times better than Mind Puppeteer. I still need time to master it but it's already this powerful!]

"Hahahahahaha!" Benji laughed like a maniac.

"What a harvest! It was worth it!"

[It was!]

'We need clothes, can't run around like this.' Said Benji.

[Yeah, it's embarrassing.]

A zombie stood up, walking to Benji, offering him its clothes.

Benji took its shirt to clean himself. He was getting rid of the sticky thick red liquid when he noticed something on his forehead that shouldn't be there.

He touched his forehead until he confirmed what it was.

[We have two horns! Wtf?] Shouted Adam before Benji could.

Benji just sighed, 'Well whatever...'

[Well, I don't think it's a bad price to pay.]

"True, let's head back first, I want to take a shower." Said Benji as he put on pants and military boots from one of the zombies.

Benji used the time to get used to his body as he traveled back.

He was delighted to find out that his body had dramatically improved in every aspect.

He was faster, stronger, and his senses had improved too.

Benji played with his Gravity Body, the way he could use gravity had also improved.

His control and the variety of ways he could use gravity stunned him.

It took him only a glance to create or negate gravity fields inside a range of 150 meters around him.

He used their pulling force from the gravitation fields he created to fling himself from one building to another, like spiderman.

Adam also did his tests, he controlled the whole zombie army without restrictions. Every zombie under his control had a weak bright orange glow deep inside their pupils. He also took control over the 5 mutated zombies that were once under the control of that red crystal they absorbed.

The range of their inner eye also expanded into an area of whopping 10 km around them.

Both were ecstatic by their power-ups.

[The trio has already left our house.] Told Adam Benji.

'Huh? Didn't they say that they would stay for another two days?'

[We don't know how much time passed in the outside world.]

'True, we will find out once we get back home, we are almost there.'

[Lucky that we hid the other spare key in the garden, our last one disappeared with our clothes.] Commented Adam.

'We could also easily break in hehe.'

He arrived soon in front of his home, entering with the spare key he had hidden last week in the garden.

Benji went directly upstairs to check how his body had changed.

He observed his reflection on the mirror inside the bathroom.

"Jesus Christ!"

[More like Satan bro, we look like a demon straight from hell...]

"Totally, look at these horns!"

There were now two horns on Benji's forehead. They grew upwards, they were only 7 cm long and 3 cm wide. The two horns had a black color, looking like obsidian.

[There are also our eyes...]


His left eye had changed, it was still red but had a bright orange light inside the middle of his pupils. The light seemed to be constantly moving and reminded him of a miniature sun.

His right eye was also red but the pupil was pitch black, just like a black hole.

Those were the most obvious things that they noticed. His face looked still the same, Anna said once that he was a solid 7/10 when it came to his looks. He wasn't that handsome but still had a kind of manly charm to him.

Benji took the long shower that he desperately needed, to clean himself.

The two of them spoke about their future plans, coming to an agreement.

Benji excited the bathroom only wearing shorts.

His athletic body looked more defined than in the past, Benji also noticed that he had grown a bit, his height reaching 1.84 meters.

He went into his bedroom, picking up the phone that was connected to the charger.

"....3 days have passed!"

[Wow it didn't feel that long to me...]

"Same here...I'm so tired...."

[Me too.]

It was 3 pm when Benji decided to take a nap...