
Two figures were standing on the highest skyscraper some distance away from the factory that was blasted apart.

"I didn't expected that, what happened?" Asked the figure astonished, standing on the roof, with a very deep male voice.

The other figure sitting next to him trembled violently before sighing, "I have a rough idea, we accomplished what we came for. We should head back now." Said the sitting figure with a soft female voice.

The male nodded, "Team Black should have claimed the Alpha Crystal in Berlin by now, that little girl we randomly picked up, turned to be a real treasure."

The female figure agreed, "Master is very pleased, we gained a lot this time..."

They were about to depart when a figure landed on the roof, causing the upper part of the skyscraper to shake.

"You two remind me of someone, a very silent Doctor..." Spoke the newcomer with interest.

[I'm also very interested in their conversation!] Commented Adam interested.

Benji stared down at the strange duo in front of him.

They were wearing the same dark green long coats, what really piqued his interest was their two iconic black leather Plague Doctor masks. It reminded him of the Plague Doctor inside the strange Pillar Space.

Benji had left Anna in Marc's care and went straight towards the due after Adam told him about them.

The two of them reacted shocked to his sudden arrival.

[They might be related to the sudden betrayal on Marc and Anna] Hinted Adam slyly.

Benji smirked at them, "So what did you two accomplish here?"

They tensed up in his presence, not uttering another word.

'Oh? Both of them have a crystal horn growing from their foreheads...'

He was now really curious about these two and cracked his fist, "I can beat the answers out of you two." Spoke Benji as he directed his killing intent on them.

The male plague doctor reacted fast to his killing intent, many blue electric arcs erupted from his body before he vanished from Benji's view.


He felt a tremendous force crash against his force-shield, blasting him from the roof.

The male plague doctor had appeared right beside Benji, punching at his head with great speed and power as electric arcs danced around his body.

The female plague doctor sneered arrogantly, "What an idiot!"

The male plague doctor didn't say it loud but he thought the same thing, but their arrogance vanished when Benji who only flew around 10 meters, stopping his flight with a violent booming sound as he released his force.

[Be more careful idiot, they aren't your average joe's!] Cursed Adam him.

Benji cracked his neck to the right and left.

'I now that know too!'

"Not bad, let me return the favor!" Shouted Benji as he kicked the air, causing another booming sound.

He arrived quickly beside the male plague doctor, punching at his head too.

The electric arcs around the plague doctor became more violent and he dodged Benji's punch, countering with a kick.

Benji was again shocked at the pure reaction speed of the male plague doctor and blocked the kick with his other hand. The roof cracked under the power of their clash.

Benji didn't give his opponent any time to attack or retreat, engulfing him with his force, thus preventing him from moving.

Benji's kick connected cleanly with the chest of the plague doctor, blasting him off the roof.

The female plague doctor heard the sounds of cracking bone clearly, gasping in shock.

She knew exactly how strong and fast her partner was, he should be able to avoid an attack of that kind of speed without any problem but he didn't move!

She grew serious, clasping her hands together, creating a soundwave that reached Benji quickly.

He felt his vision shaken and a foreign energy enter his mind.

The female plague doctor smiled under her mask, "You are mine now!"

She pushed her palms in front of her, aiming at him.

Benji turned around, with a nasty smile plastered over his face.

The red miniature sun in the deepest part of his left eye lit up.

[Girl, you are playing with fire hahahaha!] Laughed Adam like a maniac as he grinded the invading energy into pieces before ereasing it.

The female plague doctor discolored under her mask. She shrieked in pain, clutching her head as she spurted blood, that ran down her mask.

[Watch out!] Shouted Adam suddenly.

Benji's senses picked something up but didn't move.

The male plague doctor attacked him with a much faster speed as electric sparks crashed into Benji.

Benji admired the incredible speed of his opponent as he watched how all the attacks were neutralized by his potent force-shield.

The roof turned now into a destroyed mess, the male plague doctor stopped his barrage on him when he noticed that it was pointless, looking at his partner.

"What have you done to her?" Asked the male, his deep voice filled with hostility.

Benji looked at the fainted female plague doctor lying on the ground with blood leaking from under her mask.

He shrugged, "I guess she experienced a backlash from trying to mess with my mind..."

The male plague doctor gritted his teeth under his mask, he found it difficult to breathe with his chest still heavily injured.

Benji's face became serious, "Time to capture you two and get some answers!"

The force inside his body surged again, freezing the body of the male plague doctor.

'Not this again!' Thought the plague doctor in horror.

He went all out, erupting with more violent blue electric arcs.

The plague doctor barely managed to free himself from Benji's force control as the electric arcs crashed against the invisible force.

Benji didn't manage to land the deciding shot on him as he dodged his fist.


[He is good, I will add him to our puppet collection!] Said Adam as Benji's left eye shone with a bright red light, illuminating the area.

The male plague doctor felt his mind shake and him losing himself, it was like he was locked into a small dark room from where he could only watch what was happening outside!


"Nice Adam haha!" Laughed Benji loudly.

[Let me go through his memories...ah right there...hmm?...What is that?....SH*T!]

Benji stopped laughing when he heard Adam curse out loud.

He sensed something unusual happening to the body of the male plague doctor, gasping in shock.

A foul toxic red smoke started to leak out from the body of the plague doctor. It was so toxic that it melted him completely in a matter of seconds, transforming the plague doctor into a bubbling puddle of blood. Not even the clothes were spared by the toxic smoke!

Benji retreated backward, his sense of danger kicked in, warning him to stay the hell out of that toxic red smoke.

Both Adam and Benji felt a weak familiar aura on the toxic smoke, making them frown deeply in confusion.

The smoke gathered suddenly above the remains of the male plague doctor, taking shape of a figure.

Benji's eyes widened, how could he not know who that was with so many clues.

[The Doc!]

"Doc!" Exclaimed Benji.

The smoky image of the Plague Doctor, the Third Pillar took shape, staring back at Benji.

The image seemed to sigh, turning his head towards the fainted female plague doctor on the half-destroyed floor.

Suddenly the same toxic red smoke began to leak out of her body, melting her in the way as the male before.

[So ruthless, he killed his people the moment they lost...] Spoke Adam with admiration.

Benji couldn't help but agree, the Doc cleaned up without leaving them anything to gain from.

Another red smoky image of the Doc appeared above the remains of the female, both of them looked at Benji in a strange way as if thinking about something.

It made Benji feel uncomfortable, then the two smoky images closed the distance to him quickly while spreading the red toxic smoke to surround him.

'Son of a b*tch you don't!' Cursed Benji as he unleashed the force inside him, not daring to hold anything back.

The force exploded out from his body, pushing everything away apart.

It didn't matter what, the toxic smoke, the air or the skyscraper, everything was pushed away by the tyrannical Force Push!

The skyscraper was blasted apart by the force, the whole upper section of it collapsed totally...

Benji didn't dare to stay there, quickly flying away...

[This worries me...] Said Adam with a grave tone.

'What?' Asked Benji as he flew through the air.

[Those two have obviously completed their evolution and were on par with you, that doens't make any sense we are the First Pillar!] Adam began to shout at the last part of his sentence.

'I still need to get used to it...' Defended Benji himself.

[I feel like we are missing something, I hope we figure it out soon. We also need to look into the reason how minions of the Doc have already finished their evolution so soon...]

Adam's words gave Benji plenty to think about...

The area was devastated by the falling pieces from the upper half of the skyscraper.

Not long after Benji left, two weakened red smoke images from the Doc reformed themselves, glancing at the direction to where Benji left before they dissipated...