Break's Over

And so Monday came. Their surprise break had ended. The three girls got themselves ready.

Yune woke up first. She went to the bathroom and took a shower. She wore her school dress and put on perfume. She stretched and then went to wake up Jack and Mary.

Yune woke up Jack first. She shook her a little, but she still wasn't quite awake. Then, she went and shook Mary, but she was still fast asleep.

So, Yune went over to the light switch and as Jack opened her eyes, she was greeted by the sudden outburst of light.

"Ow." Jack said as she covered her eyes with her arms.

Mary, however, was still fast asleep. But seeing that Jack was now awake, Yune said, "Good morning. After you get yourself ready, please wake up Mary."

Jack yawned as she stretched out of bed. She went to the bathroom and got herself ready as Yune prepared breakfast. Jack put on a t-shirt and pants. She then put on the same perfume that Yune had.

Yune started making sunny-side up eggs with toast for the three of them.

When Jack went over to Mary, she was still very tired. But Jack knew they all had to go to school, so she started shaking Mary. However, her shakes weren't doing anything as Mary continued to snore.

And so, Jack being annoyed, lifted Mary up and threw her to the other bed. As Mary flew, she screamed with terror.

"What's going on!?" she yelled as she collided with the other bed. She jumped up and was expecting a fight, but instead it was just Jack.

Jack replied as she threw a pillow at Mary's face, "Oh, good. You're awake. Get yourself ready."

The pillow slowly fell to the ground as Jack left the room to go eat breakfast.

And so Mary got herself ready.

Jack sat there eating her toast while Yune was brewing some tea for herself.

And then Mary arrived. She greeted them with a big "Hello!"

When Jack and Yune looked at her, they both froze in shock with their mouths wide open.

Mary was covered in make-up and wore large heart-shaped earrings. She wore a t-shirt with a miniskirt.

"What are you wearing?" Jack asked rhetorically.

"The clothes of this century, fam. It's so comfortable, don't ya think?" Mary replied.

"You can't wear that," Yune said. She quickly grabbed Mary's arm and dragged her to the bedroom. Mary struggled, but when Jack came, her struggles were pointless. Jack was still very strong even without her guardian powers. They cleaned away some of the make-up and put her in a regular dress for school.

When it was done, she looked like a regular pouting student.

"So uncool," Mary said.

"Yeah. Get used to it," Yune replied as she stuffed Mary's mouth with a toast.

After that, they all took everything they needed and was off to school.

When they arrived at school, they noticed Anne and Nina, but neither side were interested in talking, so they walked right past them.

During the school day, Jack had put putting some books away in her locker, when two girls showed up to make fun of her.

"Hey. Look at this girl if you can even call her that," one said.

"She is more like a boy, eh," the other said.

Jack was used to being ridiculed for her height before, and she just ignored it. However, when Mary saw them bullying her, she dropped her bag and dashed in. She dropkicked one of them in the gut.

"What are you doing?" Jack asked.

"Me? What are you doing? Letting them push you around," Mary replied.

"They're not Light Guardians. They're just regular people."

"So what? It doesn't matter who they are or aren't. If they push you, you should always push back."

"Why you-!" the other girl said as she was about to punch Mary, but was stopped immediately. Jack grabbed the girl's arm before it could reach Mary's face. Then, she slammed it against the locker.

Both the bullies were on the floor as they groaned in pain.

Mary and Jack stood above the two bullies.

"Maybe, your right," Jack said, "I am getting a little tired of people belittling me about my height."

"Good. Now, that you learned to stand up for yourself, let's start kicking," Mary replied.

And so, without thinking both Jack and Mary started kicking the two girls as they were down.

"Hey. Wait," one of the girls said, "Remember us, Mary. We're your friends."

Mary recalled the two girls as being the two who she manipulated into teaching her all about current events, make-up, and a bunch of other junk, but Mary didn't care.

"Sorry. Don't remember," Mary replied as she kicked more.

"Hey! Stop!" a teacher yelled towards Mary and Jack.

Mary quickly tried to come up with something. Her eyes turned purple and said, "Wait. Look over there. There's a guy wearing his hoodie up."

The teacher under Mary's influence replied, "Your right. I should go suspend him."

"Hah. I didn't even tell you to do that last part. Go right ahead. Always love the initiative."

The teacher left to go suspend the kid with the hoodie while Jack and Mary continued to kick the two bullies down.

Yune showed up and slowly walked over.

"What's happening here?" Yune asked.

Both Mary and Jack spoke at the same time.

Mary replied, "These two girls were bullying Jack."

Jack replied, "These two girls were bullying me."

Upon hearing this, Yune quickly joined in the kicking. She became extremely angry that those one of her own were being bullied. All three of them were kicking the two bullies as they were down until the bell for the next class began.

Anne and Nina saw the three, but just kept walking. They just didn't feel like doing anything. They just felt depressed about Kira.

After school ended, Jack, Mary, and Yune went out to search for Annie. They asked around, but could find no leads. But none of them faltered. Jack still believed that Annie was there. Something in her made her believe. And Mary and Yune felt the need to help Jack. They felt the need to help one of their own.