The Trojan Hotel

The three girls arrived at the Trojan Hotel - a three-story, old hotel. It was in a run-down neighborhood. Just like the outside of their house, they thought. The name flickered And the 'l' on the sign was tilted to the point where one more gust of wind would tip it to the point of no return. Large rats scoured the corners, and was unnerved by the footsteps of pedestrians. Not many walked around these parts. Mostly gangsters, hookers, and drug addicts. That was the only business that the Trojan Hotel would get. Mary, Jack, and Yune stood out among the crowd, but none of them cared. They just wanted to get this over with and walked straight into the dinky hotel.

There was a clerk at the front desk looking at his phone with earphones on. Just some young, teenage boy with black eyeliner. Nobody really special, but Yune thought he was cute. And because of that she suddenly became nervous.

"So, who wants to ask where the room is?" Yune asked the other two. She had no desire to embarrass herself in front of him.

"Why don't you go?" Mary asked in reply.

"Me? No. That's a bad idea."

"Just go ask for room 314 or whatever. It's not like we're actually going to pay. We just need the key. If we need to, we'll just knock him out and take the key," Jack said aloud for the clerk to hear, but the music he played blocked out all the sound in the room.

"Alright... here goes," Yune said with a gulp.

She went up to the clerk awkward in her stance. She stood frozen. Why does it have to be a cute boy, she thought.

"H-h-h-h-hello, there," Yune said quietly.

The boy seemingly ignored her.

Yune looked over her shoulder towards Jack and Mary.

"What do I do?" Yune whispered quietly.

Jack heard her and said, "Tap him on the shoulder."

Mary instead yelled, "Kick him in the balls!"

"What?" the boy asked when he heard shouting and as he turned around to find Yune standinf in front of the counter horrified. She thought that he heard what Mary said, but he didn't hear what exactly Mary shouted. He just heard the loud noise. He asked the girl in front of him, "May I help you? You lost?"

"N-n-n-n-n-no. Not lost. I-I-I'm looking to rent a room. S-s-specifically, rooooom 314," Yune said with an awkward smile. She just stood there in silence and completely embarrassed.

The boy nodded his head. He was completely cool-headed.

"Ahh. I understand. You looking to see if the rumor is true. I don't mind lending you the key to check it out, but I'm telling ya that you'll be disappointed. There's no ghost in that room. Not when I go clean it anyways," he said as he handed out the key to room 314. He didn't care at all about giving away the key to a hotel room.

"Rumor? Ghost?" Mary asked.

"Oh, th-th-th-thank you. I'll just be taking the key and we'll be right off," Yune said as she slowly took the key.

"Thank you so much, bro. We'll go in an out," Jack said, "And there won't be any need for knocking you out."

"Huh?" he asked as he thought he might have misheard Jack.

"Nothing," Yune said as she began to push Mary and Jack away towards the stairs, "We'll be right back."

When they left, another guy came out from a backroom holding a small paper bag of cash and a gun.

"C'mon, brother. Let's go," he said as he waved at the supposed clerk.

"Right behind ya," he said as both he and who the girls thought was the clerk ran off.

Jack, Mary, and Yune walked up the flight of stairs passing the drunkards, drug addicts, and prostitutes.

"Hey, cutie. Want to have a good time?" one of the drunkards or drug addicts said to the three girls.

Jack instantly grabbed him and threw him down the stairs.

When the others saw this, they began to become angry.

"What's the big idea, you whores!?" one of them yelled.

And then, the three transformed in a shroud of darkness. When they were finished, they were in their cloaks and dashed right past all of these lousy people until they reached the room they were looking for. Room 314. They didn't sense anything, but they were still on their guard.

They took off their cloaks and readied themselves for a fight. Their weapons were out. Jack was about to kick the door in, until Yune used the room key to open it.

"At least, they won't blame us for property damage... or just for now, anyways," Yune said.

"Like we were going to pay for property damage," Mary said sarcastically.

Yune opened the door and as soon as they entered a dark shadow consumed them.