Finding Eli

Yune dashed away from the other two. Or so she thought. Mary wore her cloak and followed from a safe distance. Yune's speed was nothing compared to Mary's, but there was no attempt to stop her. Mary maintained a safe distance and watched. She was curious about this Elizabeth girl. It seemed too much of a coincidence that they would both know a girl with that same name. But at the same time, Mary didn't keep her hopes up about it. Still, she felt a little bit of happiness fantasizing ways of getting revenge against her sister.

When Yune got far away enough, she scratched her head some more.

She needed to find Elizabeth, but had no idea where she was. Her first instinct was to call, "Shopkeep. Shopkeep. Shopkeep. Need you help."

And the shopkeeper appeared in a blink of an eye.

"Yes. You called for my services," he said.

"Yeah. I need to find Elizabeth."

"There's a lot of people with that name. Be a little more specific."

Yune began to get irritated.

"Elizabeth. Eli. The girl. A Light Guardian back when you could consider me a Light Guardian. My... friend. Please..."

The shopkeeper was silent, but replied, "Sure. I can tell you where to find her."

He held out his hand for a black coin.

Yune had one black coin in her hand, but she couldn't let go of it. That coin represented Schmetter. She couldn't give it up to the shopkeeper. She began to scratch her head even more unsure of what to do.

"No. No. I don't have any that I can give," Yune replied, "Sorry for the trouble. I'll find her myself."

Yune had no idea where to look. There wasn't even a hint on where she could possibly be. Was she even in Janken City, anymore? Yune didn't know. Her body became even more agitated and she began to scratch around her. She's never felt this way before. Her body began to shiver and sweat. Her nervousness made even the shopkeeper and Mary nervous.

As Yune began to walk away, the shopkeeper decided to stop her, "Wait. Your team is the best one around these parts. And your team does have the ability to make me even more rich. I can't lose that team just yet. I might have use for you. So, as a favor, I'll give you her location."

Yune froze and waited for the shopkeeper to tell her.

"It's not like Elizabeth has been providing any black coins, anyways. Elizabeth Hershey. She's at the Grand Memorial Hospital. Room 565."

Upon hearing that, Yune dashed forward with her phone in hand. She quickly searched up the hospital on her GPS and followed a straight path there by continuing to jump on rooftops. And Mary was there close behind just following and hiding in the shadows.

Then, Yune finally reached the hospital. There were no visitors allowed at this time, but that wasn't a problem. She scaled the walls until she reached the fifth floor. Then, she opened up a window and snuck in. While she wore her cloak, she was complety hidden as a shadow. She snuck past the other doctors, nurses, and guards. Then, she came up on the room. Room 565. She waltzed in seeing nobody there but one person lying on a bad strapped in with tubes and ventilation systems keeping her alive. A young adult. Blonde. Long hair. It looked like Elizabeth, yet older. She was fast asleep. The machine monitored her condition, but Yune couldn't tell what any of those complicated numbers and graphs meant.

She stood next to the bed staring straight at her thinking that this girl was the one who killed her and sent her to the underworld. This was the girl that made her come back as a guardian of darkness, she thought.

But there was no context as to why. She didn't feel any connection or reason to it. And she needed to know what exactly happened in her life.

The girl's eyes opened slightly to the sight of a girl in a dark cloak. Elizabeth was weak, but could see just fine. She breathed slowly, and lifted her upper body up with the bed's controls. As she looked at the cloaked figure. The lights were still off, but she could clearly see the figure's white eyes glowing thinking only that she had died.

"So, are you the reaper?" Elizabeth asked weak. She wasn't afraid. She was actually quite surprised her body lasted this long.

Yune stood still unsure of what to do. She felt some kind of familiarity with Elizabeth, but didn't really know too much about the relationship. Were they allies for a common goal? Were they rivals? She didn't know.

Yune planned to just threaten the girl for questions. It was the Light Guardian who killed her after all. She may look weak, but is she was a Light Guardian, then all she had to do was transform and a brawl would ensue.

Once, Yune took out her hook and chain, and Elizabeth saw it, her eyes widened recognizing who it was.

"Yune..." she said weakly. It was such a sudden surprise. There were no words to describe what she was feeling when she saw her friend who she had thought dead for so long. There was shock, glee, sadness. Everything rolled into one.

But when Yune heard those words, she sprung quickly putting her sharpened hook to Elizabeth's throat.

"Don't try anything," Yune ordered as her cold hook-blade touched Elizabeth's skin.

Tears began to roll down Elizabeth's cheeks. Not because she was afraid. But because she had missed her friend for so long.

"It really is you. Yune. I missed you," she said in a weak manner.

"Who are you? Who are you to me? Why did you kill me? What happened? Give me answers," Yune quickly commanded as her headaches began to get even worse.

"You... don't remember?" Elizabeth slowly replied as she tried to grab a hold of a picture frame on the side of the desk.

Yune quickly grabbed the picture. It was too dark to see at first, but her eyes adjusted to the dark very easily. Then, she looked at the picture. It was similar to the picture she took of Jack, Mary, and herself. Three girls.

There was herself holding the camera. There was Elizabeth hugging Yune. And there was one more. One that was all a blur to her, before. It started off as a dark figure, but then once she saw the face. Another young girl. Younger than all three of them. But had a smile that brightened any day.

She dropped the frame on the floor. The glass shattered and splintered all across the room.

Yune grabbed onto her head tightly. Everything began to flood in upon seeing that picture. That face. That last face. It felt like every locked cabinet and drawer were yanked open shooting out pools of memories. Her whole mind began to flood with her lost memories. Everything all at once. She screamed violently as she scratched at her head to point of blood being drawn. And she continued to do so without realizing it.

Elizabeth could only watch in horror as her friend began to break down in front of her.

And then, Yune stopped. Tears began to flow out of her eyes at an alarming rate.

She was quiet for a few seconds. Only the constant drops of tears could be heard as they fell to the hard floor. Then, her mask slowly peeled itself off. It fell to the ground revealing her sad and damaged face.

And then, she whispered to herself two words.

"Eli... Mizu..."