The Original Encounter

Mizu, Eli, and Yune looked around for more Night Demons during one of their lunch breaks.

Mizu still felt like she was a hero and acted with child-like pride, even after her experience. Eli continued to fight the creatures as long as the other two wanted. Yune, however, now felt a passion for hunting the monsters. She had a desire for revenge. She wanted to make the other monsters pay for their existence. She also had a newfound desire for black coins. It took resources to keep the orphanage open and clean. Their home was constantly in needs of cleaning and repairs. Yune learned the basics of cooking before, but now she was far more proficient at it. She was adamant about protecting Eli and Mizu over anything else. If it came down to it, she would even give her life for them.

Yune needed resources and the shopkeeper was the easiest way to achieve them.

Mizu also felt that the monsters were a threat. She didn't feel the need for revenge, but had a pure heart. She just wanted to make sure that nobody else would have to experience what she went through. But Mizu always kept a kind and gentle smile. Her point of views have adjusted, but they were still very much child-like.

As for Eli, she just wanted to make sure they were all safe. She wasn't afraid or anything of the sort. She was just tired of the whole thing. She never talked about it with Yune or Mizu. Nonetheless, she had no problem fighting monsters if it meant protecting her two friends.

Each one them considered each other as equals. As family. They never really interacted with many others besides themselves. Yune felt that everybody else was dangerous, and Mizu and Eli couldn't really argue with her considering that they knew that people constantly kept trying to shut down the orphanage and separate them.

No families came by to their orphanage. It was more like a house with many rooms. But to the three girls, the place didn't feel like a home. Not any more. They kept the place open just for the sake of memory. But as long as the three were together, no matter where they were, they felt like they were home.

As for their relationship towards other Light Guardians, that was a different story.

The first time they met another team of guardians, they were already on bad terms. Yune, Eli, and Mizu saw a group fighting another Night Demon. It was metal and bulky, but was getting beaten down. The group of Light Guardians consisted of three other girls. One with knives that turned to plants. One with metal boots and gauntlets. And one with katanas.

When Yune saw her chance, she dashed in and her two friends followed.

Yune threw in her hook and pulled away the creature from what would have been a killing blow for the other group. Then, Mizu conjured a portal to summon one arm that threw Eli forward. Eli spun around in midair and sliced the creature.

When the black coin dropped, Yune immediately used her hook and grabbed it before it fell. The first time they met another group, they stole the kill and it's black coin.

"Hey. That was ours!" one of them yelled.

Yune didn't care about that. She thought that they themselves needed the black coin more than them. Mizu understood the need to take from others if they needed to as she used to live on the streets occasionally before meeting up with the other two. Eli felt bad about taking the kill, but didn't voice any objections. They all participated in it since they each believed that they needed the black coins more than others. And Yune was the senior among the group.

"No. We got the last hit. This kill is ours. And so is the prize," Yune said with a blank stare.

Tensions grew. But as soon as Yune finished her sentence, she dashed away along with her two friends.

They didn't realize it, but that encounter changed things for all three of them.