To End in Darkness

They started with the first name. Ava Reid. Who was coincidentally a twin sister. Mia Reid.

They broke into school databases for information and found all the information they needed.

During the night, they found the twins dashing across the rooftops. They seemed to be enjoying the nice pleasant breeze. Their costumes looked like red kimonos. The one with a ponytail was Mia. The one with short hair was Ava.

Since, Yune and Eli weren't Night Demons, they had no reason to be alarmed. Not until a barrage of chains began to tangle the two girls. They were left in shock thinking that they were being attacked by a Night Demon, even though they didn't sense one. They didn't expect another Light Guardian to fight them.

When they were chained up, Yune and Eli revealed themselves. Yune held her chains tightly with one hand while holding her hook in the other. Eli motioned to loosen up the chains to which she proceeded to.

"Don't try anything," Yune threatened.

Eli began to speak to them in a more kind way, "Sorry about that. We just need to ask you some questions."

"Questions!? You tied us up to question us? What is this!?" Mia replied angrily.

Eli continued, "Tell me. Have either of you seen this girl?"

She held up the photograph of the three of them, but pointed only at Mizu. Eli began to have some coughs, but quickly gulped it down.

Ava and Mia both shook their heads.

"Sorry. We haven't seen her," Ava replied, "Is she lost?"

"We haven't seen her. Now, get us out of these things!" Mia demanded.

Eli put away her photo. She believed them. They both looked honest about it. They didn't even look at all like they recognized the girl.

"Thank you. I'm sorry for your trouble," Eli said as she walked back to Yune.

Yune whispered to Eli, "What do you think?"

Eli replied back in a whisper, "They didn't do it. Let them go."

But Yune didn't. She began to tighten her grip.

"Stop," Eli demanded.

Yune seemed to listen and loosened her grip on the chains. Yune walked over to the two girls to seemingly untangle the chains.

But Eli knew that Yune could untangle them without doing that. She looked back at Yune wondering what she was doing. Was she planning on asking them something else? Did Yune have a question that would trick them like what she did with the shopkeeper? Eli didn't know what Yune was thinking, but she trusted Yune to act rational. She always had a cool head. That was when Yune decapitated one of the girls. Mia died without feeling anything.

"What are you doing!?" Eli yelled as Yune's hook-blade cut Mia's head clean off spraying blood all over.

Ava looked in horror as her sister was just killed in front of her. It took a couple of seconds for her process it. It was all so sudden. Then, it hit her. She screamed as blood splattered on her face.

Then, when Yune was about to kill Ava, Eli dashed in with her katana in hand. She quickly blocked the attack protecting Ava.

"Stop, Yune. They're not the ones. They didn't kill Mizu," Eli begged not wanting to hurt Yune. But she looked straight at Yune's cold, dead eyes knowing full well that she wouldn't listen to reason.

Eli struck at Yune's other hand loosening the chains. The chains around Ava loosened to the put where she could move.

"Run! Get out of here!" Eli yelled to Ava. And without thinking, she began to run.

Then, Yune jumped back to create some space between her and Eli. But she wouldn't stop. Not until it was over.

Yune spun her hook around her arm and threw it straight at Ava. Eli prepared to deflect the hook away, but without noticing, there was a chain on the ground that grabbed a hold on her legs. She tripped and the hook kept going. Ava ran, but she wasn't far enough. And she didn't realize there was a hook behind her. As soon as the hook was in front of her, Yune yanked it back. The hook itself placed itself around Ava's neck. It didn't pierce of kill her, but with a single thought, Yune sharpened the hook. It sliced Ava's head clean off as she yanked it back. Mia was dead. Ava was dead. Both twins gone.

When it was finished, Yune began to calm down. Eli ran up to her and slapped her with the force to push away an elephant. And Yune stood there and took it.

"What the hell are you thinking!?" Eli yelled.

Yune was calm. The sting of the slap resonated with her. She looked straight at Eli's eyes. And Eli looked straight at hers. Cold. And unforgiving.

"They were responsible for Mizu's death," Yune stated.

"How could you know that? I talked to them and they had no idea who Mizu was," Eli replied angrily.

"And how would you know that? Intuition? Feelings? We didn't know for sure. It would be better to get rid of them," Yune said.

"I can't believe you said that."

Yune turned around and looked at the city view. Everybody walked around without any care in the world, even though there were all sorts of monsters hidden in the shadows. Even a place that such as Janken City, where the lights shine brightest, there were plenty of shadows.

Yune said without looking back, "Anybody on the list could have done it. That's what the shopkeeper said. But even if we investigate, we'll never be a hundred percent sure. So, it'll be safer and smarter just to get rid of all of them."

Eli shut her fist tightly, "If Mizu was here-"

"Mizu's not here!," Yune yelled as she looked back at Eli. For a second, her eyes and face began to darken. Veins popped out. She almost looked like a Night Demon. Eli felt a chill down her spine. She's never seen Yune like this before.

Yune continued angrily, "Mizu's not here! We should have been there, but we weren't! She was alone! And died alone. Everything that's happened is because of me."

Yune wasn't sure whether she referred having that argument on that day, her suggestion to ignore that Night Demon, her not doing enough to protect Mizu from others. She just didn't know. But whatever it was, she blamed herself the most.

"Yune... it's not your fault. If anybody's to blame-" Eli began to say, but was cut off.

"Don't. I don't want to hear it," Yune said with a sigh, "We still have plenty of work to do. Plenty of names to go down. Maybe, we should also look into Nina's group. They knew Mizu probably more than me considering I didn't know about it."

Eli looked back at the bodies and back at Yune. She was different, but didn't want to say it. But Eli was sure that she could convince Yune not to go down this dark path. There was still good in her.

However, a chill ran down her spine. And when she saw Yune, a dark shadow began to cover it. It looked like a Night Demon was about to attack her. The same Night Demon that attacked the orphanage back then. She began to lose control of her own body. Without thinking, Eli began running towards the creature with her katana in front. She yelled, "Yune! Watch out!"

And without having time to turn back, Eli charged forward. She stabbed straight through the dark mist. And then in an instant, the mist disappeared. And the blade went right through Yune from behind.

Yune looked at the blade that pierce her. It went straight through her stomach. She didn't feel it at first. She even poked the blade and felt the blood around her waist. It was so shiny and metallic when the moon reflected the blade with the blood. Drip. Drip.

"Yune... Yune!" Eli yelled as soon as she realized what she had done. She could have sworn there was a Night Demon behind Yune.

Then, Eli heard running from the shadows.

"Who's there!?" Eli yelled thinking there actually was a Night Demon, but the rapid footsteps went further away. And she couldn't sense any monster nearby.

"Why?" Yune asked as her eyes went dark. She began to cough out blood. Eli had no answer. She thought there was a Night Demon, but there clearly wasn't.

Eli laid Yune down and sat besides her. As Yune drifted away, it felt a lot more pleasant than she expected.

"No, No, No. This can't be happening. Not you, too. Yune, please. Yune, please wake up. Wake u-"

And that was the last thing that Yune could remember.