A Second Talk

During visiting hours, Yune walked inside in her regular form. She held up a vase of flowers that she stole from a convenience store outside using her hook.

She went up to the counter and asked, "Hello. I'm here to see Eli."

"Full name?"

"Elizabeth Hershey."

"Really? I didn't think she had any friends or family. She hasn't gotten any visitors while I was here," the nurse replied.

"She was a... childhood friend. I was hoping we could catch up. I heard she was here," Yune said.

The nurse looked at the teenage girl for a moment and replied, "Shouldn't you be in class right now?"

Yune lied, "My teachers know I'm here. They said I can visit during break. Should I come back at another time?"

If it didn't work, Yune just thought that she could just break in like last time. But she felt that it would be a nice gesture if she could show up without committing a crime.

"No. It's alright," the nurse replied believing the girl, "I think it'd be good for her to get a visit from a friend."

Then, Yune was escorted to the room where Eli was.

Eli was looking outside from her bed. It was a nice and sunny day. And when Yune came, the day got even brighter.

"I'll leave you two alone," the nurse said, "I'll come back in a while. Then, you'll have to leave."

Yune nodded as Eli still looked outside. Her blonde hair flowed with the wind as the window was wide open.

"Hi, Yune. I knew last night wasn't a dream," Eli said quietly as she turned around with a smile. She was hooked up to many machines, but still kept her optimism. Her voice was low and hard to hear, but Yune could understand.

Yune put the vase down by the side. She had noticed that the picture was still on the table. The frame had been taped back together, but the glass was still shattered.

"How long has it been?" Yune asked as she sat down right beside Eli.

"Too long," she replied.

There was a long silence between them. Neither knew what to say, so Yune decided to just go right into it.

"What happened to you?" Yune asked.

Eli sighed, but kept her smile.

Yune continued, "That smile isn't the same. That's the one which you use to hide behind."

"So you knew. You never told me," Eli replied.

"I guess we both kept secrets. But please tell me what happened."

She paused not knowing what to say, but considering it was Yune, she was honest, "I developed lung cancer. I don't really feel much of the pain because of all the pills they give me. Not to mention the machines."

"Lung cancer? Don't be ridiculous. You're too young to get that," Yune said.

Then, Eli took off her wig made from her own hair.

"How could you be developing it at such a young age? You're not even twenty," Yune continued, "Even if you started smoking after I was gone, it still wouldn't explain it at this age."

"The doctors don't know either. Yet here I am," Eli said as she put her wig back on with a small laugh and cough.

Yune was silent. She didn't know what to say, but instead continued with another question.

"So, have you found out who killed Mizu?" Yune asked to change the topic, but Eli knew Yune.

"I see you haven't changed. After all this time, you still try to avoid topics and switch them to something else if they make you feel something."

They fell silent, so Eli continued, "No. I haven't found out who did it. I was going to continue our investigation, but that's when I fell ill. My body ached. It was hard to breathe. It wasn't long until I was admitted to a hospital."

"How do you pay for it?"

"Apparently, I've been getting donations from anonymous guests. Or at least that's what the shopkeeper told me when I asked him. Were they from you?"

Yune shook her head. "No. Maybe, you have a guardian angel."

"An angel? I doubt it. After what I did to you, I don't deserve it. Now, that you know what happened to me, I'd like to know what happened to you. When you came yesterday, you felt different. If I couldn't sense Night Demons, I would have mistaken you for one."

"Lots have happened. I'll tell you another time," Yune said not wanting to tell Eli that she did kill her. Eli was curious to know but didn't push the subject.

"I guess I'll just have to keep living until you tell me," Eli replied with a laugh.

Yune smiled. She still loved Eli like a sister. She felt more like family than the one she decided to make.

Yune frowned, "Eli, I remember a list. A list of possible suspects."

Eli replied, "I know."

"Where is it? Do you still have it?"

Eli shook her head and replied, "It's been a long time since I looked at it. But it should still be at the orphanage. Our home."

Yune nodded her head. She still had plenty she wanted to talk about with Eli, but they would have to wait.

"I'm sorry, Eli. I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry for everything."

Eli wasn't sure what Yune was apologizing for, but replied, "You don't have to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong."

But Yune still felt like she was the reason that Mizu was dead. She was also the reason that Ava and Mia died without any reason for it.

Eli patted Yune on the head and her worries vanished.

"There, there" Eli said.

"This is what you used to do with Mizu when she was upset or having a tantrum," Yune replied.

Eli was silent and continued to pat Yune's head. Then, Yune relaxed and began to cry next to Eli's bed.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm the oldest. I'm the one you're supposed to lean your head on. And I can't even do that right. You were a much better big sister than I ever was. You still are," Yune cried.

"I should be the one apologizing. I should have told you about Mizu's friends. We shouldn't have kept any secrets. You were only trying to protect us," Eli said while also beginning to tear up, "To protect her. And I shouldn't have stabbed you in the back. I should have opened my eyes more. I shouldn't have rushed in like that."

"Mizu... To me, it feels like yesterday," Yune cried.

"To me, it still feels like yesterday," Eli replied with tears down her cheeks.

They both closed their eyes and cried together. Their tears washed away each other's guilt and sorrow.