A Little Spider

Yune went first and pushed the door open. When she did that, gunshots began to fire from inside the room. Two men were in front of who seemed to be the boss. The two men fired their guns, but Yune's chains were too quick. She deflected the bullets. And then Venomion's snakes dropped from above and bit the two men on the back of their necks. They injected their venom and they fell to the ground.

"Do you have any idea who you're messing with?," the boss said. He was a middle-aged man with a mustache. He wore a fancy suit holding a cup of expensive wine. He drank it calmly.

Yune dashed forward and held her hook-blade to the man's throat cutting the drink in two as she did. Then, Yune thought to herself why men like him who lived in luxury didn't suffer. She was angry and emenated an aura of fear. She looked straight at the man, but he didn't look scared at all. His life was about to end, but as he stared death, he wasn't afraid.

"You should beg. I might spare your life. Maybe, if I see groveling like a dog, I may let you live," Yune threatened as Venomion just watched with her arms crossed.

Venomion didn't care whether the gang boss lived or not. If Yune wouldn't do it, then she would have. Neither of them could care less about some guy who makes his living off of making others suffer.

Then the boss said, "Go on, then. Kill me. I will not beg to a monster. You've already made up your mind when you slaughtered your way up here."

Then, Yune thought to herself why men like him who lived in luxury didn't suffer. She was angry and emanated an aura of fear. She clenched her teeth, but the boss wouldn't tremble. He just sat there as the hook-blade touched his throat. It even began to draw blood.

Then, Yune sighed, "Even your daughter put up a fight. You're a disappointment."

"My daughter was valuable to me. I am aware of her gifts like yours. But like you, she is just a weapon. Nothing more."

"You don't even have the good will of being a loving father. You really are just a piece of garbage," Yune replied.

Then, Yune decapitated the him in one swift blow. The body dropped to the ground with the head falling on the opposite side.

And when Venomion went to investigate the head, it's eyeball began to squirm around. A spider-like creature jumped out and lunged straight at Venomion.

However, she was quick. Without any resistance, she took out her palm and smashed it. Then, she stood up and stomped it a couple more times.

"Well, that's that. Another victory for the great Venomion!" she cheered.

"Right," Yune replied sarcastically.

Then Venomion became confused. She stomped on it some more, but it wasn't vanishing. Yune wondered what she was doing and also noticed that the creature didn't disappear.

"That's strange. I could have sworn this thing was a Night Demon. Is it just a product of mother nature?" Venomion asked as she looked closer at it.

Yune examined and picked up the whatever was left. She examined it and noticed something strange on the dorsal side of the spider's abdomen. There was a marking that remained even after it was squashed. It looked like it was paint. She tried to smush the abdomen together with a napkin.

"What are you doing? Playing with a dead spider?" Venomion asked.

"Wait. There's something strange about it. I can feel it," Yune replied.

Venomion shrugged and searched the boss's pockets. She found some notes and keys. She then wandered the room and found a safe. She smiled and said, "Do whatever you want. I'm going to try and crack this."

A number of snakes came out of her arms as she tried to unlock the safe.

Meanwhile, Yune pieced the creature back together. It was sloppy, but enough to see the marking. It was a cursive 'a' with a heart above it. A very precise marking made of gold paint. And then Yune remembered Jack saying something about something like that. A signature, Yune remembered. The signature of the girl that Jack has been looking for. As Venomion unlocked the safe, her snakes began to envelop whatever money and jewels were in there, and slither away.

"Jackpot," she exclaimed, "So, you done playing around with a spider corpse, weirdo?"

Then, Venomion came and looked at what Yune was doing.

"Do you recognize this marking, Venomion?" Yune asked.

"I don't. Looks like a heart and an 'a'. Is it supposed to mean something?"

"I remember one of my... acquaintances talking about it. It's a signature left by another Light Guardian."

"Hmm. Interesting, I guess. What does it mean?"

Yune looked at the spider and wondered about the signature. She remembered it belonged to the Light Guardian named Annie, but why was it on this creature. Then, she recalled that Venomion told her that the gang acted more violent during the month while the spider was inside the boss's head. But Yune had no idea why. She had no idea what this Annie could be thinking. There wasn't enough information to go off of. But there wasn't much time to think about it. The police were on their way.

"I'm not sure," Yune replied. Then, the two girls jumped out of the skyscraper through an already broken window.