Mirey's Gang

By the time the police arrived to the top of the building, Yune and Venomion were already gone. However, Yune's rampage and carnage was still left behind for all to see. Many of the officers puked and felt wheezy from the scent of death that lingered.

However, when they examined the girl with the black kimono, their was seemingly no pulse. That was until she suddenly awoke in shock. The police were all startled, but she raised her hands up. Venomion's venom did knock her unconscious, however her heartbeat was so low that she seemed to be dead.

Mirey thought to herself that the situation was similar to something out of Romeo and Juliet. Luckily for her, she didn't wake up to find that some past lover to kill himself.

Then, her only thought drifted towards her father.

When she saw her father, she gasped in shock. His head displaced from the rest of his body. Then, the police escorted her out of the building. She didn't feel the need to resist the police. She saw what she needed to see. She gave a very quick grievance to her father who she cared for since she was a little girl, and move forward.

But the next thing for her was business. Within the next two days, she met up with the other high members of the Dragon Kaiser Gang. She was the last to show up and sat down with the others. She was familiar with each one of them, but she had no connection to any of them. She still wore her black kimono. She never liked to drop her guard around these people.

There were guards surrounding the room from each of their respective gangs. All of them, however, wore fancy suits.

"Well, now that everybody is here, we can start," one of the gang leaders said trying to sound sympathetic, "I'm sorry for what happened to your father, Mirey."

"Of course. Let's skip the pleasantries and get straight to business," she replied coldly.

"Right. Well, the Dragon Kaiser Gang has been in charge of most of the operations in this city because of your father," another mentioned, "I know your father let you attend these meetings, but we need to approve a new head."

"Yes. That's why I'm here," Mirey replied with a sly smile, "Now, that my daddy is gone, I'll be in charge of everything from now on."

The others froze for a moment, but then they all started to chuckle.

"I apologize, Mirey, but you are still young. You should let some of us handle these operations."

Mirey was unimpressed with all of them and replied, "I'm twenty years old."

Another laughed. "You heard her. She's twenty. Well, I guess we should all let her take care of everything," he said sarcastically.

Mirey stood up with a glint of hate in her eyes. She never did like the work that her father did. However, she knew the value of what he achieved. She wouldn't let just anybody take it away. And Mirey had a dream of her own that she wanted to achieve. Something that her dad wouldn't approve, but now that he was gone, she no longer felt that soft constraint around her neck.

"You all know the reason why my father brings me," she stated, "Or at the very least, you all have a sense of it. I know the shopkeeper keeps your memories erased, but I'm sure that each of you can feel when there is a predator in the room. You have to constantly be on edge."

"What are you talking about?" one asked. They were all confused. Mirey's father had used her for assassinations and other such jobs to keep people in line, as well as being a faithful daughter and bodyguard. At least until now.

"Now, let me ask this to any of you. I know that each of you do this for the money. That enough is obvious," she said ignoring all of their confused faces, "But I want to know whether anybody here needs the money for something honorable. As far as I know, none of you have families. Or you just don't care to take care of them. So, I want to know if anybody uses their profits to do something like build schools or pay medical bills for dying kids, then I want you to leave."

She waited for a while, but nobody moved. They were all still confused, but then one stood up and said, "I'm sorry for what happened to your father, but you are not in charge. We'll be the ones taking care of things. We'll pay for you to attend college and continue your education. Even though I promised your father to personally make sure you get to be in charge after he leaves, now that he's gone, I don't feel the need to uphold that."

Mirey ignored his statement and waited a couple more seconds. She didn't want to do anything to hurt somebody who she thought didn't deserve it. If they left now and never returned, she would have spared them. But none were afraid of her. However, there was a feeling in their guts that made them feel a slight tingling sensation. It was uncomfortable. They began to sweat for unknown reasons. They may not have memories of Mirey with her Light Guardian powers, but they still had an instinct that told them to run. But none of them listened to that feeling.

Mirey sighed, "Oh, well."

She conjured lines of magical assault rifles floating in the air around the room within seconds. Then, they all remembered. They remembered her terrifying powers that kept her father in control.

When the guards began to take out their guns, the guns fired, but they didn't kill them. They merely shot their guns out of their hands and pockets. She didn't want to kill men who could work for her. But she knew that the ones in charge wouldn't surrender their power.

One of them begged, "Please. We'll do whatever you want. You're in charge."

"Yes, I am."

And then the firing started. The chaos. The bullets sprayed all over the room missing the bodyguards who were left paralyzed. The other gang leaders were killed mercilessly. One of them tried to escape, but when he opened the door, a barrage of bullets came firing out. Mirey had conjured a sentry gun there. It was quick and bloody.

She then ordered the guards if they wanted the same fate. They all shook their heads and pledged their loyalty to Mirey. The new boss.

Now, there was only one thing Mirey wanted to do. She wanted to find the two Light Guardians who attacked. The one with the chain-hook and the one with the snakes. However, there was plenty of work left to do before that. She knew that her men were not equipped to fight other guardians.

She first gave the bodyguards some of her own conjured weapons. As long as Mirey was alive, they would work. And none of them were brave enough to use them against her. Even if they did, the weapons would automatically blow up in their face if they were intentionally trying to harm Mirey with them. Luckily for them, none attempted deceit.

She casually walked away from the bodies and looked forward to a new day. She wanted to find the two guardians who killed her father. But she still had a dream for more than vengeance and running a gang.