Mosaic Cult

Annie didn't walk towards anything. She had no goals or dreams. But what she did have were memories. As she walked, she recalled more and more things. They were all so violent and horrifying. Yet sometimes, there were memories of blue skies and gentle winds. She couldn't comprehend them all. She tried to fit them together like a puzzle, but it was like all of the pieces were from taken from a different puzzle. Some of them didn't even look like anything, but random colors on a canvas.

Before she knew it, night descended upon her. Without noticing, some creatures came out of the shadows to greet her.

They approached her cautiously, but Annie noticed them. She didn't sense them as monsters, but felt like she recognized the kind of creatures. They were all sewn together and mismatched like herself. They bowed to her. Annie began to think that these monsters were like her, and then she recalled how those people yelled that word. Monster. Monster. Monster. It was strange, but it was something that Annie felt like something she recognized and belonged to.

One of the creatures said, "It is finally nice to meet you, creator."

Annie didn't understand what was going on. However, she wasn't afraid of them. They led her into an abandoned toy factory. It looked like it had been burned down recently, but the creatures have lifted it up. However, they weren't able to dig up the actual gallery.

She entered and saw a bunch of creatures like her. She didn't feel any chill from any of them. They all bowed their heads.

"Our queen. Our creator. Our God," they chanted with a celebratory shriek.

Annie sensed that there was at least one monster there that was similar to the one she fought. She remembered the name. Night Demon.

Annie, then, remembered as she created these monsters. She referred to them as art projects, but when she recalled making them, she felt sick to the stomach thinking about cutting off parts of animals and sewing them together. One of her earliest memories was sewing a cat's body onto the body of a dog. She remembered bits and pieces, but there was so much.

Then, the one of the creatures came towards her. It had a hunchback with bugs nesting on it. It had a necklace of lizard skulls. And it had a bird beak.

It said, "Welcome. We few have been anxiously waiting for your arrival, our creator Annie. I know that most of your loyal followers have left, but we can still rebuild. We have brought you an offering to your return, master."

Then, they presented her a naked, drunk man being cuddled by a soft creature. It had a the face of a woman on it's chest, and the man began to kiss her. But it's real head was above with an elongated neck and rows of eyes. It had wires sticking out of it's arms and squirming inside the man's ears.

The creature also held a small, shadowy dog as it yapped with rows of teeth while wires pierced through it's paws.

Annie took a step back starting to feel horrified. She sweated feeling a sudden shock within her.

"We even brought one alive. We know how much you like to create with the still-breathing. We ask of you to create one your artworks, master. Let another be blessed with the painful and loving experience of birth to pave way for a new beginning."

Annie didn't know how to respond to that. She understood what they wanted. They wanted her to kill that man and Night Demon and mix them together. She remembered saying that it was art, but as she looked at them now, she was unsure whether to feel afraid, horrified, disgusted or delighted.

Then, the other Annie - Picasso - appeared next to her. The others didn't see her, but Annie did. However, she didn't want to take her eyes off of them in fear of them attacking. They, now looked like wolves.

Picasso said, "I should have known my - our - pieces of art would worship us. Go on. Make a piece of art. It's a great experience. I can guide you as you go."

"I can't," Annie muttered quietly. The other creatures looked at her strangely wondering whether this was the same creator they remembered.

Picasso replied, "You'll enjoy yourself. You deserve it after all. Even they think it's a beautiful thing to do. So, why can't you just accept that?"

"No," Annie said.

Picasso became flustered, but before she could speak, Annie continued, "No. I won't."

Annie's left arm bulged and black tentacles rushed out. She conjured her rod and began firing gray beams of light. She felt sick to the stomach thinking about the situation. She may have enjoyed, but sensed that it was wrong. It was a sick and perverted thought of happiness, she thought. She began to think about what it would be like on the other end of the table. Then, a memory sprung up. It was strange. This time, she actually was on the other side of the table. She even felt as her arm was being cut off with a saw as the Annie she saw in her mind smiled. It was a memory, but it wasn't Annie's. It was somebody else's. Then, other memories clashed with it that didn't fit.

The creatures didn't understand, but defended themselves. However, they were all helpless against Annie.

She yelled as she destroyed the monsters in the room. She first killed the creature holding the human and small dog Night Demon. As soon as that happened, the human fell asleep on the ground and the shadowy dog started to growl angrily. It barked in a light voice, "Schatten. Yes."

The dog grew in five times it's original size into a dark wolf and began to rip away at the other pieces of Annie's art.

Then, Annie fought by the man's side. Schatten ran around chewing and chomping on any of the monsters, but completely ignored Annie and the human. And since it did, Annie felt no need to harm it.

Then, when the battle ended, the dog howled and shrunk in size into a little, shadowy puppy.