
The three girls' bodies began to morph. Their masks transformed into hideous monsters, but they didn't resist it. A crown of horns. From their point of views, they all looked the same, but they could feel it inside of them. The chimera mark on their backs continued to glow as a shroud of darkness covered their backs.

When their transformation was complete, they all screeched in the air as ripples of energy shattered and popped the rain around them. The monster looked in their direction, but could only see three black singularities - black holes - that attracted him to the city in the first place. Not man or woman, but entirely different. But unlike other Night Demons, it didn't fear or respect the authority of the Dark Star Emperors. It ignored them and continued to rampage without any thought or evil intentions to it. It was just an animal, and the three girls could see that now. But they still had to stop it.

The other girls were too preoccupied with the fight to notice them. But the Night Demons heard it. They all heard the cry. It was like a mother's soothing voice calling out to them.

Nina and Anne were shot at by bolts of lightning pushing them away from each other. Nina landed atop of a rooftop, while Anne landed on the concrete street. Anne was temporarily knocked out. Nina looked up at it weakly with no idea how to stop it.

When one of Mirey's fight jets got close to the creature, it was flung away by the sheer force of it without even touching the arm. It flew towards the three Dark Stars. But before it crashed into them, Jack grabbed it and, as she began seeing Mary's and Yune's thoughts from their fight with the art piece Jack, she began to copy the other Jack's technique. Her metal from her armor infused itself into the empty fighter jet. She jumped atop of it. Mary and Yune followed along and jumped on it as well.

The fighter jet was no longer connected to Mirey. Instead, Jack was able to take it for herself. The jet grew red with streaks and roots of yellow.

Tasha stayed atop of Jack even as a monster. Even as she looked at them, she only saw the Jack, Mary, and Yune that she knew.

The three girls launched themselves off the ground with the fight jet in a blaze of fire coming out of the engines. There wasn't any surprise for the three. They were able to feel each others' thought flow through them. And they all focused on defeating this Night Demon.

As they flew forward, the Night Demons - with the exception of the monster above them - and the Light Guardians took notice at the three flying above.

The others looked at what happened. They saw the three girls - or monsters - with utter disbelief. They emanated a power that made the Light Guardians feel a chill stronger than anything they've ever felt. They had no idea what to think about it. But Venomion and Cainus recognized it. They recognized them. When Mirey was about to shoot at them, they stood in the way and said those were friends.

Nina looked at them completely dumbstruck and frozen. They had no idea what those things were. They couldn't even recognize them.

One of the hands shot out a bolt of lightning out of it's eye towards the three girls without any thought to it. Yune threw out her hook to collide with the bolt, and as electricity surged through it, the bolt became absorbed by the chains. Then, with a fling of her wrist, the mid-air hook shot out a burst of black lightning stronger than what the creature shot at. It's power rippled through space and when it struck the creature's eye, the whole arm exploded into a mess in an instant. The others began to move erratically from the sudden pain.

Jack maneuvered the jet with her mind and began firing a barrage of blazing bullets and missiles with powerful effect. They pierced through the writhing skin. Unlike the other jets being flung around, Jack was able to handle the rough winds with ease.

And as the bullets fired, Mary began firing her own round of projectiles. She shot out her nails faster than any bullet and when they were fired, they moved themselves into wherever Mary wanted them to. They struck into the creatures' eyes like sand and drilled themselves deeper.

The creature gave out a bellowing moan of pain as black blood was falling out of every pore of it's arms.

Then, without any warning, more Night Demons appeared. They came crawling out of the shadows and towards the small rays of light. They looked up at the clouded sky.

The other Light Guardians thought that they were going to add more trouble, but the other three girls felt something different. Their commanding presence was enough for them to know that those monsters were not there to fight them.

The three Dark Stars cried out a bellowing cry that rippled through the air shattering whatever glass remained. The wind and rain weakened. The storm was calming down. And the creatures shouted in unison, "For the Dark Star Emperors!"

Each one very different from the next began to fight against the creature. They ran and flew across the city towards the giant monster to fight it. As the Light Guardians watched the unexpected, they snapped out of it and joined the fight alongside the Night Demons. However, as they fought together, a surge of energy flowed through all of them.

Venomion conjured two giant serpents from the ground and bit deep into the hordes of arms. Mosaic's whole body unraveled as she brought out tentacles just as large as the arms above and began to drag down the creature. Cainus threw out her yo-yo and with a little effort, she began to wrap the arms together from where she stood. Mirey fired even more rounds, but this time, they seemed to be effective. Mirey even shot out rockets that some of the Night Demons jumped on for a ride closer towards the monster. The Night Demons also crawled along the tentacles and serpents to get to the creature in the sky.

When Yune, Jack, and Mary were close enough they were able to strike it head on. They struck with their weapons with nothing held back. Their sharp weapons cut through the monster's flesh like it was nothing. Jack's flames continued to burn atop of it's skin and melt it away. Yune's hook conducted electricity stronger than anything the creature could shoot. Mary's speed was unmatched and could jump from arm to arm in milliseconds. The three of them were able to cut through the arms like grass. As they did so, they could even see as they cut through the very fabric of reality itself.

It was getting weaker and weaker as the fight continued. The monster bellowed out another cry.

Nina were unsure of what they were seeing. Light Guardians and Night Demons working together. It was unthinkable, they thought.

As Nina watched, a white dove flew towards her. She recognized it. It was the same being that gave her her Light Guardian powers.

"Isn't it beautiful? The Light and Dark working together," the dove said in a young boy's voice, "Unfortunately, they won't be able to win."

And after he said that, the monster yelled a cry that pushed everything away from it. The clouds darkened. The winds picked up. One of the arms that was destroyed began to bubble up like cancer. The arm began to split and grow. In seconds, one arm turned to two. Every wound began to heal itself without consequence. It's eyes moved even more erratically. But when it did focus, the bolt of lightning that came from it was even stronger than before melting away anything that was even near it.

Black coins fell from the sky as Night Demons perished. There were few Light Guardians, but they were still powerful. But not as powerful as the creature above them. They each had to resort to defending themselves.

Yune, Jack, and Mary even began to worry. With all of their power, the creature was still a force to be reckoned with.

"What is happening?" Nina asked, "What is that thing?"

The white dove replied, "Hydrapurge."