
A bright light enveloped Nina. As her mind drifted away, the intensity of a new star radiant and pulsating was born. The other girls and Night Demons watched, as well. And when Hydrapurge saw it with one eye, the others began to stare. It recognized what it was seeing.

Anne awoke with a slight bump on her head. A familiar voice came to her.

"Anne..." it said. It was Nina's voice, but softer and calm.

"Nina? Where are you?" Anne asked as she rubbed her head.

"Anne, there isn't much time," Nina said, "If whatever I become doesn't beat them, then you must. Kira wasn't killed by Night Demons. She died at the hands of Dark Stars. Jack, Yune, and Mary. The three of them are responsible."

"What!?" Anne exclaimed. She would have believed it back then, but now after what happened with Annie, they didn't seem like enemies. The voice faded away. Nina's last words, and Anne could feel it. And she took those words with great care and respect. She wanted those three to tell her themselves.

But Nina wasn't completely gone, yet. She gave Anne the image. She showed her exactly what happened to Kira that night starting from her fight with Mary up until her end. And from that, Anne was convinced. Anger swelled up in her heart. It was like she was right there. And they slaughtered her without mercy. And it was real. Everything. Even how they covered it up.

As the light began to settle down, a new being emerged. In Nina's place stood a golden samurai with wings made of platinum and celestial feathers. She held a large katana made of gold and jewels. There was no sign of skin. Only decorative armor plating. The slit where her eyes would be were dark. No emotion could be read off of her. As rain fell above her, they curved around her without her touch.

As Hydrapurge shot powerful bolts of lightning towards, he she just raised her hand up gently and all of the lightning was reflected up at the sky. With a simple flick of her wrist, a torrent of wind blew around her pushing everything around including the arms of Hydrapurge. The clouds above immediately dispersed into a bright sunny day. It revealed a moon-sized ball of slithering arms and eyes. Mouths opened wide as more of them came out. The clouds had covered Hydrapurge What they fought was merely a small fraction of the creature. Now, that the monster was revealed for all to see, the samurai lifted her blade and swung it with one hand. A blaze of a sun shot out burning away the creatures of the Night. Hydrapurge shot out a barrage of lightning towards her, but all of the lightning was just reflected back at it. The flames burned brighter and hotter. It was the power of a quasar. It burned away Hydrapurge.

Nobody knew what to make of this power. But they had no time to think.

And not just that monster was gone. The others that helped the three girls all instantly burned away. Black coins fell from the sky like rain. The shopkeeper was even there singing "Dancing in the Rain" as the coin clinked to the ground.

Jack, Mary, and Yune hid behind their jet, but the flames were too great.

The other Light Guardians tried to defend themselves, but it didn't affect them at all. Mosaic was partially Light Guardian, so she was even protected.

Unfortunately, Jack, Mary, and Yune were not Light Guardians. Their skin began to boil. They screamed and cried, but the samurai didn't want those three to die just yet. There was still a sense of Nina still inside of it. A piece of her soul not yet lost. The flames of a sun dispersed, and with a gentle flick of the wrist, she controlled the wind to blow the three towards her. They were dragged along as their monstrous forms began to disappear. The marks on their backs vanished as their individual marks returned on their left arms. The samurai tossed away the fighter jet and dropped the other three on the rooftop. They stood up and looked straight at the shining, angelic samurai. The being wanted to finish them off personally, as Nina didn't fully lose control of herself. She looked at those three girls and saw exactly what they were. They were no longer in their monster form, but to Nina they looked like monsters.

"I see you now for what you are, murderers. Dark Star Emperors. Black holes sucking up and crushing everything good in this world. Your existence is a threat to us all," she stated.

Then, as the samurai held her katana, the three girls recognized her for a moment. They saw Nina staring straight back at them angry.

"Nina?" Yune asked.

"Nina... Right... That was my name. That name is no longer my own. I am Azresol."

The three were unsure what it was, but barely felt anything that resembled Nina again. It felt more like a soulless drone.

Azresol didn't even raise her blade, but Jack, Mary, and Yune felt a tremendous pressure coming off of her. It felt like they were looking straight at the sun. Without warning, she raised her hand towards them palm out. A wave of irradiated beams of energy came out of it towards the three girls. Jack covered them from behind. But the beam was still hot. However, Jack didn't feel any of it.

"Right," Azresol said as she stopped her beam, "Guardians have their pain receptors lessened. The human body is so fragile. Light Guardians would be down in one hit without it. And I can see that yours, Jack, has been completely turned off even when you're not in guardian form. Let me fix that for you."

With the small flick of her wrist, Jack began to sense pain around her body. Her whole felt like it was on fire. She fell to the ground instantly writhing in pain and gritting her teeth tightly. Her eyes bulged out as tears and sweat poured out of her body. The beam of energy weren't even being fired to cause it. Yune and Mary looked at Jack with worry for a second, but they both knew that they couldn't keep their eyes off of Azresol.

She taunted, "I'm not even doing anything to you. The pain you feel is what you feel every time you put on that suit of armor. Your body has to experience being on fire 24/7. It only seemed fair that you understand your own body."

Mary charged in with haste and claws out. She moved erratically to try and catch Azresol off, but there was no way of telling where she looked. She just stared straight into the distance. She didn't even look at the three girls, anymore.

When Mary went in for the kill, Azresol grabbed onto Mary's throat and elbowed her with only enough force to bruise a football player. But when Mary felt it, she almost threw up. Azresol threw her back at Yune, and when Yune tried to grab her with her chains, Azresol kicked a rock at Yune's shin.

Mary fell to the ground as Yune knelt down in pain holding her shin tightly. They all writhed in pain, but their injuries were nothing serious.

"I barely hit you, and you two are already down proving my point. The human body is weak and should be considered grateful to becoming Light Guardians," Azresol said as she raised her arm up to fire another beam, "Time to put an end to the cold darkness. And an era of burning light shall begin."

But before she fired, a Night Demon leapt up at her from behind. It was Tasha. While the three were facing Azresol, Tasha crawled off of Jack's back and onto a rat. She crawled around while connected to the living creature to mask herself and make sure that Azresol didn't sense her.

As Tasha connected with the back of Azresol's head, the three girls no longer felt their pain. It had gone back to the way it was meant to be for guardians.

But Tasha couldn't stay connected for long, but while inside of her mind, she could sense a little bit of Nina inside. She was asleep. But the longer that Azresol fought, the more that Nina's soul was being slowly torn apart.

Jack, Yune, and Mary rushed forward to quickly defeat Azresol, but Tasha wasn't able to stay connected for long. He was quickly pushed out by a bright cosmic light. Before he did though, he left behind a small piece of him hidden inside.

Jack conjured her flaming machete and immediately threw it at Azresol, but instead of hitting her, Azresol yanked Tasha from behind her head and put it between Jack's machete. Jack tried to make her machete vanish, but it was so close.

However, Yune threw in her hook from the side and wrapped it around Azresol's arm holding Tasha. She yanked Tasha away from the machete, but Azresol still held on to her tightly. Her feet was planted firmly. Her grip was firm. Neither were going anywhere. Before the machete hit Azresol, she deflected the machete away using her katana. Then, without even turning her head, she stabbed Tasha. The only thing the three girls could do was freeze in shock.

Azresol, then cleanly yanked out her blade and let go of Tasha. And before Tasha hit the floor, Azresol kicked her away like a soccer ball without any regard to her. Azresol didn't see Night Demons as creatures. They were all just trash, she thought.

"Tasha!!" Jack yelled. Yune's hook let go of Azresol and went for Tasha. Mary dashed over to catch her from falling off the rooftop. However, it wouldn't matter. Before either of them were even close to her, Tasha muttered, "Good-bye."

And with that, she vanished and turned into a black coin falling straight down. Rest in piece, Tasha.

Then, Azresol began firing her a wave of irradiated heat from her wings. And with the flick of her wrist, they all began to feel pain as if they were human. They all writhed in pain. But as their anger and hate swelled up, their marks began to come out from a shadowy mist. Jack stood up gritting her teeth angrily. She felt her body on fire from her own armor and the heat wave. But she didn't care. Their eyes darkened into just a pitch black void. Each one of them began to transform angrily with saliva coming out of their mouths. They all slowly stood up to even Azresol's surprise. She tried to increase her power, but it wasn't working. Inside of her mind, the soul of Nina was being shrouded in a veil of shadowy roots - the piece of Tasha left over prevented Azresol from taking more energy from Nina's soul.

Her power began to fade instead of the soul she drained.

The three girls turned themselves into monstrous creatures. Each one with a thirst for vengeance after what Azresol did to Tasha. They ignored the pain and kept moving forward through the waves. Their skin was being burnt off the closer they got, but they didn't care.

Azresol began to take steps back in fear, but Mary shot out her claws at Azresol's feet pinning them where she stood. Azresol was about to lift her blade up, but Yune threw in her hook and chains. The chains held Azresol's arms down. Her power weakened even further. She wasn't able to break free. And when Jack towered over her, Jack grabbed onto Azresol's two wing and tore them off. The wave of irradiated heat dispersed as soon they were off. The wings slowly turned grey and then into dust. And then, Azresol was being dragged down to her knees by Yune's web of chains. The being of light faced the three Dark Star Emperors. Not a bunch of girls. They were cosmic horrors in Azresol's unseen eyes. The world twisted around them. Stars began to drown out. By just simply walking, galaxies would be devoured in their presence. The color in Azresol's armor faded away into just gray. Yune's chains grabbed onto her grayed-out katana and easily shattered it without applying any force.

Their marks began to glow on each of their foreheads. Yune's mark of cat. Mary's mark of the crow. Jack's mark of the snake. And in the space around them, the mark of a chimera - a combination of all three.

Azresol said with a slighly shaken voice, "If you think this is over, it won't. Everybody is aware of your existence, now. Even if I die, it won't end with me. I made sure all Light Guardians around the universe have seen you. They will hunt you down like the evil monsters you are."

But Jack, Mary, and Yune didn't care. They just stared at the small creature. The looked at it like it was nothing but a single ant. And just by looking at her, she eventually stopped thinking. As she was unable to get any more energy from Nina's soul, her body began to fail like a machine out of gas. She limped over and fell apart into just pieces of armor. And it was over.