The Trap

A little hope doesn't harm.

My parents, they might alive, they might be waiting up for me. I thought. My mind went completely blank as I tried to think of a way to solve. I can't tell to Sean. I can't tell to anyone. This seems dangerous.

Who might be this person?

After getting the text from an unknown source. I don't know, if it was a fake or real. This wasn't going to be pleasant. I need to calm myself.

I felt moisture filling up my eyes, as I don't know what if I don't return back, what if my parents weren't alive, and the thought made the tears spill out.

"I can do this" I sniffled. Cheering up myself.

I was running out of time. I ran outside into the night. I was terrified, visualizing the dark shadow behind me, running wildly towards my car. I threw my bag next to me and gunned the engine following the navigation map, towards -

#46 Attic Street.

After awhile I turned off my car. I saw an empty, isolated street, no lights. A sudden terror rush over me. My blood throbbing faster. What if it was a trap. I thought myself. I carefully watched back and forth. There was no sign. A sudden vibration from my phone made me shriek, as my hands started to trembling. Are they tracking my every move. I open the text and read :

Turn left, #46 Garfield Ave warehouse. I will be waiting there.

I shivered.

I held the flashlight of my phone. My legs and joints were frozen with terror. My head started to filled up with buzz. My thoughts started to break up into pieces. To plan. I don't have any plans, but to try it, getting myself killed or just asking for backup, but I can't risk anyone's life. I pushed the terror back as well as I could.

I made the decision to go inside the warehouse and check out who is the person behind all of this. I had to think clearly.

It was dark inside. Empty. I rounded the corner, and saw the shade of person coming towards me. I couldn't breathe, exertion and fear has gotten into me. I thought of my parents and keep moving towards that shadow.

"Hello? Who are you" my voice starts trembling, sounded strangled.

As I got closer, terror seized me so strongly as I was trapped. I couldn't move any inches.

"Erika!" A familiar sound draws nearer. I knew. Who was it and it caught my breathe.

"Bonnie! What are you doing here?" I asked in a hysterical panic tone.

Before I could ask anything. A crushing blow hit me from behind. I felt myself loosing consiousness as my head bashed into the hard floor. I was too stunned to feel the pain. Everything was dark. All I could hear was Bonnie's shout and someone's talking. Something was wrong.

I was tricked.

My eyes opened up with a cold touch of the metallic thing around my neck. I felt my body being tied up to chair with the handcuffs. They were injecting something. It was painful. My head was feeling dizzy. There was a new pain as it was burning slowly inside my chest. I couldn't feel my legs and hands. Are they going to sell and dispose my body?

An unfamiliar voice laughed.

"Sorry about that, I couldn't stop my laugh. Who would have thought, you will reach so soon? More interesting, Aren't you a little bit afraid what's going to happen to you? Aren't you angry that I tricked you?" His voice was kind of polite.

He was standing a few steps away from me, I couldn't see his clear face. The effect of medicine was fusing all over me.

"Before we start - "

A sound of few footsteps stopped with a loud thud.

A pair of man tossed something on the floor. It was a human. Laying on the floor. Growling.

No! it shouldn't be. Why he was here.


I felt a curl of nausea as Sean was rolling in pain, beaten up.

"How odd, never expected we would have a surprised guest with us. That's make my one burden less. You wouldn't mind, do you?" His voice ringing like lunatic.

"Don't touch him. Leave him alone" I manage to speak out, with my dry mouth.

There was a silence.

His foot reached to Sean's leg, stomping hard on it. A snapping sound, a loud piercing scream echoed. He was standing over him, smiling.

"NO! FOR GOD'S SAKE! PLEASE DON'T! " I grunted. Struggling with my handcuffs.

"Let's end this misery for you and your brother. Wouldn't you rather be happy that I m helping you to reunite with your family in heaven?" He asked pleasantly, stepping forward towards me.

"In the name of Tan's Family" he  smiled, while stroking my cheeks. Looking into my teary eyes.

He was wearing the mask. A voice changer device sticking to his vocal. Who was he? I was sure he was not Uncle Tan.

Sean was lying unconscious. Is this our end. Sorry Mom, I couldn't protect my brother.

With my last effort, I tried to struggle and tripped over. A solid floor hit my head so hard. A sharp pain slashed down me. Something wet, was running down from my head to my face. It tasted like metallic, sour and salty - blood.

I couldn't find a way to open my eyes. I heard the sound of loud bang.

"Oh no! Erika! Please don't die" the voice cried in horror.

Mom? Is that you?

I know I was dead, I was flying, floating like an air. The smell of a cold breeze, made me shiver. I feel relaxed. I heard someone calling my name. This beautiful voice makes me bliss. Am I in heaven? The excitement of meeting my parents overthrilled me. I looked around, searching for Sean, where is he? The same voice called my name.

"Erika! Please! Please! Don't die! Please! " The voice begged.

I giggled as the voice begged. I wanted to tell, I'm already dead. It was so funny. I float furthermore. There was a warm fluffy clouds. I wanted to hug them. I reached my hands to cuddle it. It was really warm.

"Dad! Please save her! Please!" The same voice called again, sobbing.

The clouds were crying. Don't cry. Clouds shouldn't cry.

I could hear, sirens and screaming of people's. Is this really heaven? Why people are screaming? They don't scream right? Am I really dead or not?

Wait. Sean. Where is he? Someone please tell me, where is my brother? I tried to ask, but the clouds feels so heavy it was pushing me back. I couldn't breathe.

I heard another female voice.

"Where is Sean?" She screamed.

I wanted to search my brother. I forced myself to pushed back the clouds. It pushes me back with threefold.

"Sean"  I tried to call my brother. My voice was not audible.

"Yes, he will be saved. Don't worry Erika!" The voice promised.

I felt relaxed again. I let myself float and engulfing the drowsiness over me.

Sean's P.O.V

I saw my sister rushing outside, wildly, towards her car. She turned back to check something. She looked terrified. She was acting weird since arriving from school. I have a bad hunch. She was up to something.

I trailed, thanks to Mr Gerald, for setting a secret tracking device into her car.

I saw the wide demolished board across the road. It was strange. Why even she choose to go in the abandon street, this late night?

#46 Attic street.

I saw another car trailing behind her. I was right. Something was odd. Her life was in danger. Without wasting any time, I dialed 911. I filled in the current situation to Mr Gerald and asked for his help.

To my surprise, she took the left course. No don't tell me.

#46 Garfield Ave Warehouse

A forbidden place, governed by criminals, full of scandals .

I rushed outside to stop her, but it was too late. I was blocked by group of giant men's, professional killers. I have no choice, but to fight it. At that time, I feel pathetic and powerless. I know the outcome. Within a second, I was overpowered by them. That was my original plan. I found a way to go near her.

It was a miracle, I was still alive in one piece, I was dragged and thrown. There she was. I felt a relief. She is still alive.

I heard my sister voice,

"Don't touch him. Leave him alone"

No sister don't. My mouth was filled up with blood. I can endure a little bit.

I saw a lunatic shadow, approching towards me.

Before I could response, he stomped on my right leg. The sudden pain pierced right through me like a thousand nails slamming at once, leaving me to loose my consiousness.

Gerald's P.O.V

I was on my way to home with my son. That evening, was going to be our first dinner together, as father and son reunion.

I was puzzled. When the sudden unexpected phone from Sean. I picked up the phone.

"Hello - " I was cut before I could finish.

"It's an emergency. Please, help Me Mr sheriff!" He sounded panicked.

I tried to calm him down.

"Calm down first! Now tell me. What's going on?" I interrogated calmly.

I realized the situation. I dailed for the backups. I concealed my anxious as best as I could. Without wasting any time, I drove rapidly.

"I'm going to drop you first. I have some emergency to handle" I said to my son.

He studied my face calmly. He was indeed my son.

"I'm afraid I can't do that dad" he said without flinching. Never leaving his strong gaze from mine.

I know I can't waste any more minutes in arguing.

"Okay, you will be staying inside the car until I command you" I said while ringing a phone to that person. There was some delay in answering, and I rang again.

"Erika is in danger. She is being target by some shady people. Sean is already there, trailing her. Go to this address, #46 Garfield Ave Ware ---"

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The other line has already been cut.

What a bastard.

"Erika? Tan? - Is Erika Tan?"

I turned to glance and saw my son panicked.

Why was he so panicked? Why was his face twisting now with horror?

"Yes," I admitted. My eyes fixated on the deserted road, on that rusty sign board, Garfield Ave warehouse. We were here, but it was too late. We heard the sound of gun firings and a loud screaming.

Jumping out from the car, I took the position, taking out my gun. The back ups have already taken in their position. They were waiting for my signal.

I nooded. Signalling to take action.

"Don't you leave this place, you understood son?" I warned while looking back. I was bewildered to see an empty seat. Where did he went? There he was, running across, inside the warehouse.

"RAI!" my voice echoed in the cold night. "GET BACK HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!"

"I need to save her Dad! " He yelled back, completely disappear out of my sight, inside the warehouse.

I was stunned. Does he know her? Why he needs to protect her?

Half an hour later, saw, a fire broke out at the rooftop of the warehouse.

We managed to caught three culprits, others, ran away.

I was worried, when Rai came out sobbing. It was the first time I saw him this terrified. Erika was being carried by him. She was injured and unconscious, blood from her head was not looking good.

"Dad! Please save her! Please!"

"Calm down! Son! We'll bring her to hospital" I comforted him.

"Where is Sean?" A girl screamed and demanded to let her go inside.

"Sorry Miss, we can't let you inside. It's dangerous here. You have to leave this place" The police officer, blocking the path, restraining her to not enter.

After this incident, both the kids were soon hospitalized.

Sean was saved, but, he was in worse condition. Broken ribs and legs. Lack of blood. Luckily, they got the blood donors AB - negative.

There was me and Rai waiting outside, that person and the girl who just finished helping the blood donation.

I saw Rai, standing outside the door looking depressed.

I approached to that person, and asked him to come out.

"I thought you'll never show up again" I asked quietly.

"Yeah I was. But I can't leave them alone too."

His eyes was full of regret and guilt.

"This time I'm leaving you, Mr Tan"

I walked past him, leaving him behind.

"Thank you, for taking care of them" he said, while leaving from the hospital.

While heading towards the reception. I gave a quick ring to my Ex - Wife, as expected, she didn't pick up.

"Sheriff! We found this badge near the Warehouse. It looks like a student badge from Santa Fe high school" the police officer, passes the evidence to me.

"Bonnie Andreu, female student, age 18, Santa Fe high school"