Chapter One

Start : 10/31/19

End : 11/3/19

Publish : 11/3/19

Chapter One - Welcome to the World of 'Til The Sun Rise Again'!


[System: Host! Host it's time for you to wake up! The Lu family is very worried about you!!]

Lu Jie, "...." Who's talking? Lu family?

Lu Jie slowly open his eyes, in front of him is blurry and the sunlight that shines through the window on his right blinds him a bit making him move his hand over his face. The moment he moved his hand, pain shot through his whole body like a knife stabbing him. He groaned, rolling to his side and pop himself down on the ground. His whole body shot in pain from the fall and he groans more loudly at the pain. Lu Jie slowly pushed himself up, leaning his back on the bed behind him and huffed heavily. He cursed inside his head at very pain that shot through his body.

"Young Master Lu!" A gasp from the doorway made him look up towards them and saw a fairly young man standing at the door staring at him with wide eyes. Lu Jie blinks his eye at the appearance of the young man. The young man wore a grey rode and his black hair is tied up on the top of his head. He looked like someone from ancient china or something. The young man rushed over to his side, helping him sit up on the bed and Lu Jie finally got to look at the young man more clear. Ah the young man has a very fair looks, and there were still some baby fat in his face but nonetheless, he looked very handsome indeed.

[System: Character Chen Yi Unlocked!

B Points + 20

Spirit Stones + 30

Chen Yi is a loyal servant of Lu Xun, who would do anything Lu Xun ask, whether if that's fulfilling tasks or bullying Lu Zheng. Chen Yi is a minor mob character in the story who grew up serving Lu Xun but ultimately he died by the hand of Lu Xun.

Even though Chen Yi is a minor mob character in the novel, has an elemental spirit which is a Water Elemental. Chen Yi, though, is not mentioned much in the novel is known to have very fair looks that many young ladies likes.

Chen Yi is an important character in Lu Zheng's life which lead the protagonist down the path of Demonic Cultivation. He is one of the few people who ridicule Lu Zheng.]

Lu Jie, "...." Who the hell is talking?!

As if this things or person heard his thoughts and spoke again as an almost clear transparent screen popped up in front of his view.

[System: Welcome to Shitty System, Being A Mob Character! I am your System 666 and you're my number 666 Host!]

Lu Jie didn't know how he could feel about this so call System.

"....Should I praise you for that intro?"

[System: It is commonly known in human nature that you should praise someone when they have done something outstanding! Then, yes-you should absolutely praise me, Host!]

"Yeah... How about no?"

[System: Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll)]

"Young Master Lu, are you feeling alright?" The young man-or Chen Yi now asked, kneeling down in front of Lu Jie who had his head cupping his forehead as it pounds in pain.

"I'm alright... Chen.. Chen Yi, where am I right now?" Lu Jie asked, even though he has an idea of where he if because of Chen Yi's name, he still had to be sure. Also having this so called system bounded to his mind or something really hurts his head, like a piercing screech.

Chen Yi explained a few things to him. Lu Jie clicked his tongue when Chen Yo confirmed his thoughts. He has been transmigrated into the novel 'Til The Sun Rise Again' and also a shitty system thingy just happens to come along with that shit. Lu Jie didn't know which was worse, the fact that he transmigrated or that he died-maybe-in the other world.

Lu Jie then blinked.

"Wait! System, if Chen Yi is here and he's the loyal servant of Lu Xun then doesn't that make me Lu Xun since he calls me Young Master Lu!?!?"

[System: Host's Character Lu Xun Unlocked!

B Points + 30

Spirit Stone + 30

Lu Xun is a minor character in the novel. He is barely mentioned in the story and he was only there when the protagonist needed a push towards the dark side. Lu Xun is a major factor in Ku Zheng's life being driven to the demonic path. Lu Xun was the first person Lu Zheng sought out to kill when he returned back to the Mortal world. Lu Xun died from himself, he turned crazy after he experiences the things he had done towards Lu Zheng when they were younger. He was tortured by Lu Zheng when the younger male using Demonic Dream Spell on the older one. That made Lu Xun crazy and the man killed himself.

Lu Xun, even though, a minor character in the novel, he was described as a beautiful white jade. Lu Xun had a clear pure face with many beautiful features and even then Lu Xun's face remained cold and stoic. He is known not to show many emotions, it's rare for him to show any angry or even the slightest of emotions. But Lu Zheng just seems to have poked out these emotions within the young man. Lu Xun is an admired man who had many supporters but he soon lost face when Lu Zheng exposed his wicked ways.]

".... Fuck!"

[System: Yes, 'Fuck' is the right word to describe how you should feel in this situation right now, dear Host.]

"Why am I even here, Shitty System?"

[System: You're here because you seem to have found faults in the novel 'Til The Sun Rise Again'! From now on, you'll try to fix the holes and mistakes in the story however you like but do keep mind that one little mistake you make in the story, you'll be damned and your soul in this world in the other world will no longer exist.]

"Fuck your mother! What the hell is with this situation?! I never asked for this you shit! Even if I didn't like the ending of the novel, doesn't mean I wanted to be transmigrated into the damn story!"

[System: Host! If you really don't finish this story, you'll no longer exist in the other world! You must complete the story line and fill in the plot holes within the story! Only then will you'll be able to get out and back to the real world. You don't want that do you?]

".... You do this a lot don't you? Threaten people with their life and shit?"

[System: ..... ]

Lu Jie, Lu Xun, ignored the system, leaning back on the head of the bed board and thought about what Chen Yi confirmed for him.

Two weeks ago, an assassination attempt was made which cause the original owner to fall into a coma. Reason for the coma was because his Spiritual Root were damaged but not that heavily that he could no longer cultivated. Though if he, now, try to use Spiritual Root, it will damage it further so all he can do now is try to meditate to recover his Spiritual Root. The things is, the original Lu Xun, even though pretty much of a jackass, his reputation at this time shouldn't be bad so why did someone wanted to kill him? Unless someone knew of his evil ways but even then, the original Lu Xun wasn't that bad of a person because he was actually very kind to others and everyone loved him but maybe he's just that way towards Lu Zheng. But he's still a jackass to the readers.

Lu Xun is sure that around this time, the original owner is just starting to hate on Lu Zheng openly by what Chen Yi confirmed. The original owner, one week prior to the assassination attempt asked Chen Yi and a few other disciplines to harass Lu Zheng. Lu Xun cried silently to himself, why did he have to arrive when the abuse has already begun! Why couldn't he come when they were younger or something, just something before the abuse start! Now he has to hug the leg of the protagonist to survive! Geez man!

Curse you system and your mom!

"Chen Yi, where... Where are my parents?" Lu Xun asked when he finally adjust his vision to become clearer for him to see. He took note that the original owner seem to have a simple basic room, not too fancy and not to ugly either. Just about right. His room was decorated with see through white clothes at each side of the room and the big open window on the right side of the bed was open wide for the sunlight to come in. The bedding was nice and simple, next to the bed there was a dresser with a mirror attached to the wall next to it. Lu Xun mentally nodded his head as this because he was like this too-nice and simple.

"Sect Leader Lu and Madam Mao have set off to attend a meeting about the Elemental Spirit Campaign."