Chapter Three

Start : 11/10/19

End : 11/14/19

Publish : 11/14/19

Chapter Three - Lu Siblings


[System: Character Lu Zheng Unlocked! The protagonist has appeared early than expected!

B Points + 200

Spirit Stones + 100

He is ...]

Lu Xun had blocked the system inside his head, none of the words the system had said pas through his mind because the young man before him is that stunning to make him drool and he's a straight man, by the way, he can enjoy the fact that he can admire someone of the same gender while still being straight. Okay, maybe he isn't a straight man —bisexual actually, he's just more lean towards female than males — but that's beside the point here! The point here is that the young man standing in front of him is the protagonist, and he sure is damn freaking handsome because no wonder in the future he made every single women's knee melt to the ground. Lu Xun approves of this!

Then a screen appeared before him, blocking his view of the beautiful protagonist makes Lu Xun curse at the system inside his head.

[System: Did you even hear what I said!? I don't want to repeat myself! I have a tight schedule here!]

"No, I'm going to being honest with you here. The protagonist's handsomeness got me a little bit distracted for a while — through your whole introduction of Lu Zheng."

[System: I didn't expect Host to be this gay. Everyone I get is always straight male then I use the protagonist to turn them gay.]

"I'm am no gender. I am just saying. But system I think you shouldn't be giving so much explanation of the characters, I think I already know them all from reading the novel."

[System: Hmm, you're the first person to pull this shit. Fine, I won't be giving you any more introductions to the characters but instead, only show you the points.]

"Oh yeah, how many points do I have right now anyway? You have been giving me points since I saw Chen Yi."

[System: B Points 250 and Spirit Stones 160.]

"I should know what these are for but to make sure, what are they for?"

[System: B Points are the points you can use to unlock locked or unknown areas. Also, sometimes used together with Spirit Stones for certain things like chapters for the story to move on forward. Spirit Stones are used to buy special items for the shop which is filled with unlimited things, but you can only purchase each item three times then you can no longer buy them so do choose your ideas wisely.]

"Huh, interesting. Thanks! You can go now!"

[System: ....]

As soon as the screen disappeared from his view, he just went back to drooling over the protagonist's looks, but he didn't want to make that evident, so he the entire time drooling about the protagonist's handsome looks, kept a very blank look on. Also, he didn't want to out of character in front of anyone since he didn't know much about this world, and it's only the beginning, he didn't want to make a mistake. Also, he was scared of the punishment that would come if he did make a slight mistake.

So to be in character, he grunted grumpy towards Lu Zheng, and slight glared at the other, "How did you get in here?" Lu Xun asked, standing up from his sitting position and fully turned towards the protagonist.

"...." Lu Zheng said nothing but stared at the other blankly with innocent eyes making Lu Xun scream internally.

"Lu Zheng, I don't have the patience for this. How did you get in?" Lu Xun asked again, trying to sound his best at being disgusted towards Lu Zheng. 'Please forgive me, Lu Zheng! Don't kill me in the future for this!!'

"S...Shige...Is Shige alright?" Lu Zheng asked, completely ignoring Lu Zun's question and asked his own while staring straight into the other's eyes. Lu Xun was sure he saw a small glint in Lu Zheng's eyes but shook the thought away — maybe it was just the light from the sun.

"I am alright. There's no need for you to ask that." Lu Xun replied harshly while cursing inside his head and heart at the original Lu Xun. "You still have to answer my question. How did you get in?"

"...C-Chen Yi left – left it open!" He blurted the last part out then looked away from Lu Xun's eyes to the ground while his cheek burned, turning color of light pink. Lu Xun found that adorable.

Lu Xun just wanted to pinch those cheeks of the protagonist but had to stop himself, mentally slapping himself and grunted grumpily on the outside. He made his way towards Lu Zheng, who looked back at him when he saw movement from the corner of his eyes, and they both again locked eyes, which cause Lu Zheng to become flustered and look pass Lu Xun. Lu Xun silently screamed inside his head. Lu Xun wanted to kill himself but restrain himself, walking pass the other while Lu Zheng froze in his spot and flinched a bit, causing Lu Xun's heart to ache a bit. Lu Xun seriously wants to beat up the original Lu Xun because how dare he cause harm to such an adorable baby!? Can he not see the cuteness in front of him!? Is the original Lu Xun blind!?

Lu Xun sighed mentally, walking around the manor to the front courtyard to see that Chen Yi had brought his other siblings and were talking to them. They all seemed so anxious while talking to Chen Yi and had many worried looks on their faces. Chen Yi looked flustered while they all questioned the poor young man. Lu Xun slightly chuckled at sight, his eyes soften at the view because it felt so real to him and normal.

Lu Zheng who was behind Lu Xun heard the older male chuckle, his eyes shifted towards Chen Yi and a red flashed in his eyes, his heartfelt tighten with a feeling he did not know, it made him angry that Lu Xun could chuckle so softly towards the other male while he is looked with hatred and disgust. He gritted his teeth's and his hand tighten into a fist turning his knuckles white while his eyes turned red. It was unfair to him. Very unfair.

"Young Master Lu!" Chen Yi's voice snaps Lu Zheng out of his phase, making him look over to Lu Xun, who was still staring at Chen Yi and nodded.

"Eldest Brother Xun!" Their younger sister, Lu An, shouted happily at the appearance of Lu Xun and ran over to the older male, bringing the older male into a tight hug.

[System: Character Lu An Unlocked!

B Points + 30

Spirit Stones + 30]

Lu Xun stood there, frozen in his spot. He didn't know what to do, should he hug the little girl back or no? Does he even have the right to because he isn't their real brother, he just unknowingly took over their brother because of a stupid author and a shitty system to say but can he hug back!? Lu Xun only awkwardly hugged the young girl again, but good thing the young girl didn't notice his awkwardness to the hug and just embraced the other even tighter. Lu Xun's body ached from the hug, this girl hug like a man!

Lu An, the younger sister of Lu Xun and Lu Zheng, she doesn't act like a young girl but more of a young boy. She doesn't like to follow the rules, always gets into trouble with young boys but since she's is the pride second daughter of the Lu Family, Lu An is never discipline enough to have manners towards others though it didn't mean that she didn't have behavior, it's just that her mouth tends to wander. Lu An is a little sis-con to Lu Zheng and Lu Xun since they're the only two brothers she has and one who respects her in many ways, but in the novel, later on in the story, she is eventually killed by her eldest brother, the original Lu Xun. Lu An is a sweet little girl, but she does sometimes get on people's nerves though she was made into a great leader in the future. Later in the novel, when Lu Zheng turned to the dark side, Lu Xun suddenly disappeared, and their parents went into self seclusion cultivation, Lu An is left alone as their eldest sister had moved away after her marriage and Lu An had to rebuild her family's name up by herself. Lu An, in the novel, is described as a sis-con at the beginning but then later as a compelling independent woman. Lu An never marries anyone, solidly focuses her time on her family sect, and this made her the most influential female character in the novel.

Lu Xun, when reading the novel, Lu An, was his favorite female character out of every female character because she had more of a heartbreaking background, and she rebuilt herself and her family name all by herself, which made her stand out more to him than others. Other female characters were the standard cliche female characters, sweet, kind, beautiful, a goddess, etc, etc. though Lu An isn't described as beautiful, but it didn't mean she didn't have any beauty. She had a natural-born look, not too ugly and not too fair but just about right. This makes her stand out more since everyone in the novel is described as beautiful. Lu An was like the outcast, but she was a very powerful outcast. Though killed wrongly by her eldest brother, Lu An never really holds any hatred towards her eldest brother and only wishes for him to come back to the way he was before though it never happened. Lu Xun remembers in a scene in the novel; Lu An seems to be angry with the original Lu Xun though the view is never really described well enough for readers to understand it. Only said she had a serious talk with the original owner about their family situation and got mad at him for being so ignorant towards it.

Lu Xun sighed inside his head. He didn't want to go through that at all because he doesn't know how he'll feel after it. He is probably going to rip his heart out and cry silently to himself at night. Probably anyways.

"A-Xun, how are you feeling?" A soft sweet voice asked, making Lu Xun look up from Lu An to the young adult female in front of them who held such a faint-hearted smile on her face.

"Shejie.." Lu Xun softly spoke though while screaming in his head at the fringe of his voice, saying the word out loud. Damn, he sounds like a sissy saying that!

[System: Character Lu Xiuying Unlocked!

B Points + 30

Spirit Stones + 30]

Lu Xiuying, the eldest children of the Lu Family, is a very soft-hearted young adult who believes in peace, but she stands tall for her family. Lu Xiuying is known to be a beauty that made many people love her for her gentleness and lady-like attitude. She was Lu Xun's second favorite female character because when people thought of Lu Xiuying as weak, she strikes them in the back with kind and sharp words and the fact that she was so cunning in her way, she made the novel villainess fell in love with her. Lu Xun praises her for being able to deal with the novel villainess and still being able to love the villainess even after seeing all the evil the villainess has done. By the way, she married the villainess at the near end of the novel after the villainess turn to the Righteous Path because of Lu Xiuying and her husband had died five years before the marriage between the two women, so the wedding was alright to go. Lu Xun enjoyed the little romance between the two, and it was very sweet while also tragic. He loves the development between the relationship and how it's something different from what standard Chinese novel was like.

Lu Xiuying, in the novel, had a child who died in the hand of the original Lu Xun also which doesn't give Lu Xun a lot to work with here because seriously this god damn original owner is such an ass! Like he kills everyone in his family, and what does that even bring to him!? Gold?! A harem!? Like Lu Xun doesn't understand the dude and more the author who decided that everyone in the Lu Family should die in the hands of the original Lu Xun, Lu Xun couldn't help but anger by such a thing. Sick in the head author is what Lu Xun is screaming inside his head at the moment. Because he couldn't avoid any of these events, Lu Xun has to suffer, watching them getting kill by him! Though he'll have to say the punishment is more of an option than killing the Lu Family.

Lu Xiuying looked over to Lu Zheng, who was silently watching everything in front of him then smiled softly at the young boy when he looked over to her, "A-Zheng, you're here too." Lu Zheng silently nodded his head towards his eldest sister with respect; then his eyes moved towards Lu Xun, whose attention was grabbed by Lu An.

Lu Xiuying saw his movement, looking towards Lu Xun too then back at her youngest brother with a worried look on her face, but it went unnoticed by the others. Lu Xiuying has seen her younger brother treats her youngest brother, and it's not very pretty, but she could not have any say of it as her parents tell her it just a small phase between the two young boys. How much young is Lu Xun? And how much older he is not to know how to treat his youngest and only brother the correct way? Lu Xiuying worries about all the possibilities that might come to the future between her two dearest brothers. But recently, Lu Zheng has distanced himself more from their family and seemly to always look for Lu Xun as if he is bounded to the older male. Her youngest brother has changed a lot since the assassination on Lu Xun, and she's worried something might be up between the two, but without any evidence, she has no say. All she could hope is that Lu Zheng didn't set that assassination on their brother.