Workplace drama [3]

"Ouch!" Lee Chaerin exclaimed, "Just because I mentioned about your mistake just now, you want to resort to violence, Shin Daerin? Wow! You are really too much!"

"No, I did it because your hand was dirty," Jiwoo vocalised while trying her best to maintain on a nonchalant expression.

The urge to punch Chaerin's nose intensified within her, but she had to resist that for she did not want her fist to be covered with Chaerin's blood. That sounded absolutely gross to her!

"Dirty!? My hands!?" Chaerin scoffed.

"Yah! What type of arrogance are you showing now? Do you think that you belong to some rich family? Let me remind you, Daerin, you have no qualifications. That's why you are working here," Chaerin continued.

"Your hands are greasy, and that counts as it being dirty. Now, I don't want to see more of your stupidity, and if you actually want to earn some tips, shut your mouth. You can not expect them to give you tips when you are annoying them," Jiwoo vocalised.

"Stupidity? Why does that sound so funny coming from you, Jiwoo? Nevermind, ignore me. I would not want to be reason behind the increase of that temper of yours. I guess, you are not that stupid after all. You are doing a good job!" Minnie vocalised.

As much as Jiwoo did not want to let Minnie's words affect her, she could find herself being happy after hearing those compliments from her; it lifted her mood up, and she was proud of herself.

With that, maintaining a composed demeanour, Jiwoo was about to walk towards the kitchen to hand over the payment when Chaerin moved closer to her.

Noticing how the customers were staring at her with discontent, Chaerin felt enraged and shot a glare in Jiwoo's direction. It was because of the weakling before her that she was this humiliated. It would not look good for her if she did not reach Moon Jiwoo a proper lesson.

Extending her hand towards her, Chaerin was about to pull away the money from Jiwoo. Her other intention was to take away the tip Jiwoo had received. 

Both of the women seemed to be from a family that was well off, and seeing the stack of money in Jiwoo's hand, she was aware that their bill was not that much.

However, Jiwoo was quick, and before the greedy woman was able to take the money away from her, she raised the stack of money up.

"I will be make sure to bring the police here and report you for stealing if you try to grab the money from me. Boss will be handling this, and you better pay attention to your own work. Lee Chaerin, no wonder you are not able to get any sort of increase in your pay; you are really incompetent," Jiwoo stated before looking at the customers and bowing at them.

"I apologise for the disturbance. Apparently, some of the staffs here are not properly taught, but we will be sure to take care of that, so you will not be disappointed in the future," she added before she continued to walk towards the direction to the door.

Then, holding the handle to the door to the kitchen, she turned to look at Chaerin and vocalized, "What are you doing standing there? Don't you have that place to clean up? If you continue to be this slow, I don't see any hopes for your salary being raised."