The truth [2]

"So, Noona, what are you telling me that is I am the Prince of this Red Clan and currently, there are some people after my life?" he questioned.

Oh Chaeyoung was seated beside Oh Sookyung, and the two of them were inside the lobby of the hotel. There were barely any staffs in sight, and other than the two of them, there was no one present at there.

Chaeyoung had a tense expression upon her face while she nodded her head and said, "Yes, that's how it is. Since that girl is sent to you, my time to protect you is up, and it is her duty to do so. Sookyung-ah, don't make any reckless decision in this."

"You are sending someone like that girl to protect me? Are you actually kidding me?" he scoffed before adding, "Whatever this position is, I am fine with it. That's why, don't force me into it, Noona."

Extending her hand towards Sookyung, Chaeyoung placed her palm on top of the back of his hand in order to provide him with comfort.