Being Captivated [2]

Bringing his hand closer to her, Oh Sookyung wiped away the crumbs of the cookie from the corner of her mouth while Jiwoo kept on staring at him— unable to process the current situation.When she noticed how seductively Sookyung licked thoss crumbs from his finger, her eyes widened as the realization dawned upon her, and while her cheeks were getting slightly heated, she instantly rose to her feet.Pushing his backwards by his shoulders, she jumped away from him and stared at him warily. Then, she exclaimed, "Yah! You thief, what type of gross thing are you doing?"Winking at Jiwoo, Sookyung vocalised, "Girls always told me about how they like it when I do this to them. I am merely trying to please you."Coughing, Jiwoo attempted to compose herself and spoke out, "Those girls must be really plain. Someone as attractive as me would definitely be disgusted by this!"She then, in a loud voice, added, "I ALREADY TOLD YOU TO NOT TOUCH ME!"