Frustration [1]

Wearing a wide smile upon her face, Jiwoo's eyes held sparkle at them while she stared upon Hyungwon, and she voiced out, "Wow! This is easy!"

Lowering her hand, she attempted to shoot another electric ball, and seeing how it touched the ground made her want to do more.

"That's enough. You will need to use your powers with care or else you will not be able to use them when you need it. Using powers requires energy, and it is not unlimited. I presume that you still haven't had blood," Hyungwon vocalised.

Raising her hand, Jiwoo ran them through her hair and spoke out, "No, I didn't."

"I have no clue on how much longer you will be able to hold on. When you get the chest pains later on, be sure to let me know," he vocalised.

Moon Jiwoo nodded.

That's when, Moon Jiwoo sensed the running figures that came towards her, and before she was able to turn back, she was engulfed into a back hug. The grip was tight.