Jealous Little Girl [1]

After the conversation with that man, Moon Jiwoo found her mood improving, and recalling that she did not ask for his name, Jiwoo turned back once they were in front of the house.However, there were no signs of him, and it seemed that he had disappeared into the thin air. That was disappointing to Jiwoo.But that did not put her mood down, and wearing a soft expression upon her face, she made her way to the door.Even though she did not know the man from earlier, his words made her feel secure and less frightened. Knowing that she had someone in her side felt pleasant to her.Extending her hand towards the knob of the door, she turned it and opened the door to the house. After that, she pushed the door and stepped into the room before closing the door behind her.As she walked into the living room, the sight of Oh Sookyung fell into her eyes, and lowering her line of sight, she noticed the wound she had made on his leg was bandaged up.