Gentleman [1]

Hearing that voice, instantly, Jiwoo whipped her head back, and seeing Oh Sookyung stand behind her, relief spread through her chest. Slight anger rose within her for his carelessness.

"Where did you go?" Jiwoo questioned, folding her arms across her chest.

Holding his wallet and raising it, Sookyung voiced out, "Someone wanted to steal my wallet, but my reputation and pride as a con artist could not let that be successful."

"I don't care about your damned reputation or pride. You idiot! You should be more careful from the next time around. You are such a bother," she commented before turning her head in the other direction and starting to walk.

Embarrassment bloomed within Moon Jiwoo for being worried about simply nothing, and biting the insides of her mouth, she scolded herself inside her head for being this panicked when it came to Oh Sookyung.