Control her mouth [2]

"You scared me!" Moon Jiwoo exclaimed as she took a step back.

While she stood on the dark corridor, Moon Jiwoo raised her head and saw that Han Minhyun was standing there. His back leaned against the wall, and his dark eyes stared at her.

As creases appeared between both of her eyebrows, Moon Jiwoo turned her back on him and was about to walk away.

"Halt," Minhyun said.

However, Moon Jiwoo had no desires to listen to his words. Recalling about all that had happened in her previous life made her blood boil.

As she continued walking, Minhyun asked, "What grievances do you have with me?"

Upon his words, she stopped in her steps, and whipping her head back, she raised one of her eyebrows at him. It seems that he was as perspective as always. 

"What makes you think that? It is of course difficult for me to hate the mighty Han Minhyun," Jiwoo said— her tone dripping with sarcasm. 

"Did I do anything?" he questioned.