To end [1]

Patting his shoulder softly, Jiwoo spoke out, "You will be just fine, Oh Sookyung. Don't panic or get nervous! Just unleash your potential and blast him off."

Sookyung chuckled and voiced out, "Rather than me, it seems like you are the one who will be passing out any second now. One would think that you are the one going instead of me."

"If only you could understand how restless I am," Jiwoo stated, "I am still not alright with you going there."

It was time for Oh Sookyung to depart to the fighting arena, and while the three of them stood before the door, the hesitation was shown in Moon Jiwoo's eyes. Her chest did not feel calm at the thought of letting him go.

"If I somehow die, do keep me in your memory as a good person," Sookyung spoke out in a light-hearted manner, winking at her.

"That's a terrible thing to say before going. If you die, I swear I will do the worst thing possible with your corpse," Jiwoo threatened.