Trouble in party [1]

"What are you doing?"

Hearing that voice, Moon Jiwoo turned her head to see Sookyung standing behind her, and he had his hands folded over his chest. Judging from his expression, he had not heard about what she said.

Jiwoo noticed how some of the females were lovestruck at the sight of him while the rest scrutinized him, thinking whether or not to believe the words that Jiwoo just told them.

"Nothing, just making some friends, Sookyung. Shouldn't you be hanging out with Yejoon? After all, he was the one who dressed this much for, and you really looked forward to meeting him. Things have been hard for you this few days since you were unable to see him," Moon Jiwoo spoke out, trying to insinuate at something.

"What do you mean?"

Staring at the confused expression on Sookyung's face, she decided to grab him out of the scene before he exposed all of her lies. That would be taking out the fun out of it.