The festival [1]

"I should have gone with him! This is entirely boring!" Moon Jiwoo let out a groan.

Other than walking through the hallway in front of her room, there was nothing she was able to do at this moment. 

Sookyung had left earlier this morning for sightseeing, and even though he tried to convince her to come along, Jiwoo remained adamant to stay at the mansion.

However, now, she was regretting it. Without having anything to do, Jiwoo felt as if she was about to die out of boredom. There was no one at here for her to talk to, and the maids at here did not appear to quite friendly although they treated her well.

Her mind was exhausted earlier from thinking about Sookyung, and therefore, right now, she preferred to avoid keeping him in her mind.

"Are you free?"

Hearing that voice, Moon Jiwoo instantly whipped her head back, and Kim Joohyun was standing before her. Creases formed between both of her eyebrows while she stared at him cautiously.