Impulsive [1]

When Moon Jiwoo was passing by the hallway, she did not expect for Junghwa to appear out of nowhere and grab both of her hands. 

Nonetheless, thinking about it, it was not all that surprising. Junghwa tend to pop up from all sorts of places these days, and instead of chasing after Sookyung, it seemed that she was going after Jiwoo.

Although Jiwoo was not able to figure out what the female was thinking, she knew that Junghwa was upto no good. There was no way that the female who picked a fight with her first was trying to make amends with her.

Jiwoo planned to tell about Sookyung about Junghwa's constant annoyance, but these days, he had been busy to the point they rarely met. 

Even though Jiwoo was rarely considerate, she could see that he was overworking currently and did not want to add more to his workload.