The plan [1]

One thing Moon Jiwoo is sure of that acting impulsively or rashly wouldn't be working, seeing how smart Oh Sookyung is. This time around, she had to act smartly.

The security around the palace were increased, so that she would not be able to sneak out, and since Sookyung grew aware of everytime she used her powers, it would be entirely unwise of her to use her powers.

As for how she learned it was because of how she almost was able to teleport one time before he caught her and informed about the entire thing. Apparently because of the bite mark he made on her neck, he was able to know about that.

That bite mark brought more trouble to her than simply that. Because of that, the maids had been treating her more with respect, and they have been putting extra care into taking care of her. All the scornful gazes they shot at her before were nowhere to be seen.