Nothing dirty [2]

Waking up next to Oh Sookyung was not something that had often happened with Moon Jiwoo, and therefore, she felt utter shock she opened her eyes only to see the man's sleeping face.

Her heart almost jumped out of her chest, but fortunately enough, she was able to hold herself back from making a noise and waking the male up. 

Seeing how soundly he was sleeping, it would be a pity to wake him up at this moment, and she would be feeling guilty if that had occured due to her.

The exhaustion that had piled up for him was quite obvious to her, and right now, seeing how that he was in peace caused a small smile to form on her face.

Although she had initially believed that she would be regretting the idea of letting him sleep with her, it seemed that, in the end, she was quite happy with herself for giving him the permission.