Be the mature one [2]

Forcing out a smile upon her features, Moon Jiwoo said, "Nothing is wrong with me. I am absolutely fine. It's just that I am tired of staying inside and doing nothing throughout the entire time."

With that, Moon Jiwoo stood, and putting in her best, she tried to hide all that she felt from appearing on her face. 

Although Sookyung did not seem to be completely convinced by her, he still nodded, not wanting to push Moon Jiwoo further. It was not difficult for to notice how she was struggling, and he was scared of every little thing he did.

He did not want to push her mistakenly and then lose everything. Only a few days were left, and this made him be more careful than anything. 

He just prayed that Moon Jiwoo would be able to be patient for those couple of days, and any mistakes wouldn't be created by him.