Get Away [2]

With each passing second, anxiety began to rise within Moon Jiwoo. Although it came off as a surprise to her in the beginning, it seemed that Oh Sookyung had agreed to her words after all those insults she had directed towards her.

He tried to argue and convince her to stay at here, but seeing how adamant Moon Jiwoo was— coupled with how she caused him to feel guilty— he agreed along with her request in the beginning.

Moon Jiwoo was satisfied and content with how the things turned out to be, but that did not mean that she was actually happy with it. 

It caused her heart to squeeze, and she was barely holding in the tears within herself. Knowing that breaking down right now would only put her efforts to waste, she put in her best to hold in.

Wearing on a cold face, she confronted Oh Sookyung regardless of how much seeing the pained expression on Sookyung's face tore her heart apart. After this, Moon Jiwoo was sure that Sookyung would be hating her.