The prank gone too far [1]

Moon Jiwoo was met with utter surprise when two familiar voices reached into her ear.

Seeing how she had some extra work to do, Jiwoo went to the shop early that day, and upon her arrival, she did not expect for anyone to be inside of this place for it was quite early. 

Moreover, she was aware of the time Sookyung arrived at regularly.

That's why, she was shocked when she heard voices inside of one of the room inside the shop, and having her curiosity take the best of her, she decided to eavesdrop on the conversation.

Usually, Moon Jiwoo wasn't fond of eavesdropping on other's conversation, but seeing how the other party was Oh Sookyung, the temptation was too strong for her to resist.

Therefore, mustering up all of her courage, she made sure to create almost no noise— knowing how sensitive those ears of Sookyung were— and leaned closer to the door.