Bonus: Heartbreak

A young man was seated beside the bar, and a melancholic expression was in his eyes as he released a sigh. He held on to a glass filled with alcoholic drink and watched as the drink twirled inside of the glass.

"Are you crying over your first love's marriage?" a voice questioned.

Hearing that familiar voice, Youngjae turned left to see that Yura pulled the chair beside him in order to sit. A small smile was visible on her face.

"What? Want to laugh at me?" Youngjae raised one of his eyebrows.

Letting out a chuckle, she said, "Of course! It has been years now, and you are still unable to let of go of your first love. Isn't it pathetic?"

Raising one of his eyebrows, he questioned, "Do you want to pick a fight with me?"