A Demon Beast Egg

Lan Hong stood up and said, "Your Majesty, this is the blessing of the heavens that Tianshui has so many talented people. This subject would like to congratulate Commander Luo and Princess Ruxue."

"Thank you, Lord Prime Minister!" Yunshang quickly rose to her feet and said.

Lan Hong smiled and waved. Immediately, two servants, each holding a jade box, walked up to Yunshang and Ruxue while he laughed and said, "It had taken me a great effort to find these two Moon Pearls from the East Sea. They are my gifts for Commander Luo and Princess Ruxue."

The two servants opened the jade boxes and shafts of light shot out of them, turning the main banquet hall as bright as daylight.

All beautiful girls loved jewelry. So, the two girls were very happy with the gifts and hurriedly put them away.