Cut Off The Arm

Li Yi's face was gloomy as he threw out his fists in great fury, streams of ice energy dispersing the sword qi that streaked across the air. "Even if you can unseal two third-grade mystic weapons at the same time, there is a gap of two realms between you and me! Let's see how you are going to cross it!" He cried out angrily.

"Two realms?" Yunxiao scoffed, "I may still have some fear if you are a Martial Lord. A mere Great Martial Master? Old Eight, look into my eyes!"

Startled, Li Yi looked reflexively into Yunxiao's eyes. He immediately saw two demonic-looking, blood-red crescent moons, surrounded by endless darkness like a bottomless abyss of demons.

Yunxiao's face was cold as he said softly, "Universal Soul Suppressor—Demon Moon!"


Li Yi only felt that his mind was lost instantly. With his face turning blank and his hands hung listlessly, he stood there like an idiot.