Three Men

Qin Yue was shocked, and asked hastily, "Three men? Which three?"

The rest of the people were also taken aback, and they pricked up their ears to listen carefully.

Yunxiao held out a finger and said, "The first man will be the commander of the troops. Naturally, I'm not qualified to awe those military big shots. But besides my grandfather, there is another man who can." He paused for a brief moment and smiled, then continued, "Although I can't completely cure him yet, as long as he stays with me and takes medicinal pills on time, he can definitely return to his peak!"

Shocked, Li Chunyang said in exultation, " really found a solution?"

Yunxiao nodded and said, "I have refined some Mysterious Fire pills which can temporarily suppress the cold poison in his body. By using the pure Yang energy to heal his internal injury, he can completely return to his peak during ordinary times."