Avici Beetles

Those light dots kept buzzing like bees, but they looked like fireflies with light flashing on their tails. Each of them was large as a fist, and the face was ugly as a housefly.

Ji Meng's hair stood on their ends. He would not be so afraid if he came across one or two such things, as he could just kill them with his sword. But, in just the blink of an eye, there were already thousands of them, which veiled the sky and completely enveloped the whole town.

"What are these things, Young Master Yun? I can't believe each of them is as strong as a warrior!" He felt his flesh creep. From the aura emanated from these thousands of demon beetles, he could tell that each of them was as strong as a warrior of the Origin Realm.

"They are Avici Beetles, a kind of first-tier demon beast that grows on the nutrition from corpses. They are not strong, but they always come in great numbers. It is very easy to breed a swarm of them in a place filled with corpses."